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The feast have ended. Ty and Seth were already back inside to continue on with their game. While walking up the stairs, Ty looked towards a portrait of his parents.

Sir Leonardo and Misses Veronica

His father, had the looks that could attract woman from any place, His mother, a beautiful young woman that men laid eyes on, were on the portrait.

Ty looked down the stairs and sighed, then looked back up to follow Seth. They left back to the drawing room and sat back down in the seats. "We should continue the game" Ty said. Seth shook his head slightly "I'm sorry, Lord Smien, but I have another appointment to attend to"

"It's a shame to leave out of the middle of a game," Ty said "It's not my type of game to leave so early"

Seth gulped and sighed. "Alright, ill stay"

He spun the top once more and landed on a 4. "Remember, foot" Ty reminded him as Seth nodded and moved forwards twice.

Once again, he landed on a bad space.

You get stared down from the eyes of the dead, move to next special spot

"That's a strange plot, oh well" Seth muttered as he placed him pawn in the next large spot.

Frozen to death on the winter lands, dead end

"Looks like I failed," Seth sighed as Ty smiled and moved his pawn towards the end. "Say Ty, May I borrow your phone?"

Ty nodded as he Seth thanked him and walked off. "It's in the living room, if you're wondering" Ty exclaimed as he nodded. He opened the door that revealed Adam with a cart of tea. "Guess who brought the tea?" He sang and smiled. Seth chuckled and left off to the living room area where the telephone was located at.

"Adam, you know that portrait of my parents near the stairs?" Ty asked him as Adam nodded. "Always seen it ever since I became your butler"

"Bring it down," Ty said as he stood up and looked down at necklace that he hid in his clothing. A beautiful emerald green large necklace wrapped around his neck in silver string. "I, Ty Lox Smien is the new head of the Smien family!" He announced as he rubbed the necklace.

Adam smiled and bowed. "Yes, my master" he said as he brought in the tea to the study and placed the cart near his master. Ty looked at the tea and took a whiff of it. "This tea... the quality isn't strong.."

"It's suppose to be like that, My lord, as well I thought it would be neat for our guest," Adam explained "It's Italian tea, in Italy is very hard to find high quality leaves for tea. Is it not your liking?"

Ty stared down at the tea and shook his head. "No, I don't like it"

Adam glared at him in annoyance, but kept his anger in. His eyes began to glow in yellow with round pupils and a luminous shine. Almost as if it were to be eyes of a wolf. "I will go prepare the sundaes" He excused himself as he left the study.

Back with Seth, he smiled devilishly and spoke in the phone. "Alright, so lets go over the plan once more, I will distract Ty and shoot him when he's not looking, kill his servants, then steal the money," Seth muttered as he heard faint footsteps coming towards him. He looked behind him and saw nothing. Turning back, he felt a cold chill up his spine but ignored it. "Sounds good? great, love you Ma Má"

He placed down the phone and headed back upstairs to find Ty. Seth looked through room, through room, with different labels. Why does he have a room labeled chamber of death? He wondered as he looked towards the stairs.

There was something off with the portrait of a couple that stood there. The man had his brown bangs covering his face, but a dark figure of a face appeared. Seth gasped and walked towards the other side of the stairs. He here the footsteps once again, but louder.

He began to panic as he saw in the dark hallway a tall man with the same dark face that appeared in the portrait. "You will be stared down by the eyes of the dead..." He muttered as Seth screamed and run towards the stairs.

In his feet, was a random nail as he stepped on it. It injected towards his heel and he cried in pain. Seth fell down a step of two, causing the nail to dig deeper into his flesh. The pain infected him to the foot as he heard a scream.

"Sir Seth! Are you alright?" She asked as she noticed blood fun down furiously down his shoe. "Oh no! Your injured, and there's blood... Blood...-" She got cut off light headed and stumbled back to a bathroom. She held on to her stomach and her mouth as she ran in.

Seth got himself up as he limped towards the hallway once more to find Ty. "Sir Seth, what are you doing hopping around like a maniac?" Adam questioned him as he appeared in the hallways. Seth screamed as he began limping away from the butler. He chased him around the manor and smiled, "Don't run, or limp, we're not done entertaining you yet,"

"You loose your foot at the dark forest from a beast"

Seth tried his best to get away. He looked at a room and quickly entered. He looked around and found a large door like area and got in. The room was big, but had slippery floor. "Damn, why is it freezing here?" He asked as candles flickered on the sides and looked around.

A meat locker

He heard a tap come from the door as he saw through a small window dark sunglasses. "My, aren't you a cold lover?" Adam asked "Looks like I'll bring down the heat for you" He said as he turned the meat locked temperature from -2 to -18

"Quick please! Let me out! It's freezing here!" Seth pleaded as his teeth began to chatter and his body shook. Adam sighed and looked at him. "You know, Italian Ice is one of my masters favorite shaved ice..." He said Seth screamed and gave out his final breath.

Meanwhile with Jason and Tyler, they were both holding on to the painting that Ty ordered to be taken down. Adam came out to them with cups of shaved ice and red juice splattered in. "I've brought appetizers for you two," Adam said as he looked at the taken down portrait. "It's hard to believe, but I'm impressed that you two didn't screw anything up tonight. Here, have some Italian ice!"

Jason and Tyler smiled and ate their ice. "It's delicious Adam! What flavor is it? I can't tell" Jason wondered and tasted the juice. "It's kinda has a metal taste too.."

"Oh, that is a secret"

Ty looked out the blue moon and shining stars from the study room. "Thinking he could kill all of us just to get money? What a fool," Ty said "Although, he did seem to eat like a pig at dinner... But you know, Italians..."

He heard the screams from Seth and laughed.

"Once you loose something, it will never come back..."

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