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"Not again..." Tyler mumbled as he held up a chewed up wire. "They got us again"

Tyler was standing on a ladder to reach all the way to the ceiling of the hall in the manor. Ashley and Jason stood at the bottom, observing the chef with a headlight on his head.

"I can't believe there's such a huge outbreak of silverfish now...." Jason said as he stared at the ground.

"Yeah, I've heard they were all over Russia, so they couldn't have come here by foot..." Ashley thought out loud as Tyler began to climb down the ladder and sighed. "Damn silverfish...." He hissed "They must really love redstone wires. Because of that, were loosing power, which is bad for business"

"What business?" Jason wondered as Tyler ignored him. A faint squeak was heard down the hall. The three looked and saw a little creature crawling.

A Silverfish.

"SILVERFISH ALERT! I'LL GET IT!" Jason yelled as he picked up a large pillar as threw it with all of his might. The silverfish squeaked and ran towards the wall, cause it to be unharmed and the pillar smashing to debris on the ground.

"Oops! I missed!" Jason chuckled as he scratched the back of his head. "Tee Hee!"

"Don't you 'Tee Hee' Me!" Tyler yelled after cowering in a corner. "You almost wreaked the whole place, Idiot!"

"Look, you can't just charge at them just like that! They'll hide on the walls!" Tyler explained to the two. "You got to use these things once in a while, y'know?" Tyler pointed his both index fingers towards his head, beckoning to use their brains for once.

Tyler made his way towards the kitchen with the two as he took out a large kettle and pour whatever he found on to it. Mostly raw meat that was in storage. "Ashley, pass me a large spoon" Tyler ordered as Ashley rummaged through the large spoons to find a wooden one. It was found and she gave it to Tyler.

He began to stir through the crazy mixture as he whiffed the air and covered his nose. "Perfect!"

He stopped the fire and stirred it some more till done. Jason sniffed the 'food' and held on to his mouth. "Yuck! What is that!" He questioned, still covering his mouth.

"This, my friend is one of my famous barf dishes! Le Barfo de Tyler!" Tyler exclaimed as he held on to the kettle. "This is for the silverfish, once taste of this and they'll have a great digestion problem that they'll die at the spot!"

Ashley and Jason clapped for his creativity. "Thank you, thank you, now you see what I mean by using your brains? Now go show me how we could trap those rodents!"

"Yes sir!"

"Well, aren't they causing a commotion" A man said inside a room. Others were there, as well as the main person of this story, Ty.

"Just ignore them, they're just trying to stop the silverfish breakout in the manor" Ty replied as he sat in a chair. A large pool table was in the center of the room and pool balls were scattered around it.

"These Silverfish infestments are going a bit out of control, don't you believe? A lot of people are suffering because of these rodents" A man said who had brown hair, a red and white stripped shirt, blue shorts, and a black mask that had holes for his eyes.

"Well, no one wants the silverfish to do as they please, Shine," a woman replied with short red hair that only went down to one said of her head. "They've been eating food supplies and attacking people that deaths are daily here"

A man with green shirt and blue overals held on to a pool stick. His clothing was almost similar to SethBling. He moved the stick to a position he wanted it and consentrated on the white ball that laid in the side of the table. He hit it and moved the 8-ball and 3-ball to a split. "Ah, my apologize, lord Smien" He apologized on how he left the position to him.

"Don't bother, he could do it" The woman replied as the boy stood up from his chair and walked towards the white ball. "Picture this, the 3-ball and the 8-ball are us humans while the white are the silverfish," Ty exampled "If the people of England don't do anything with the infestments, Silverfish will take over all of London and reproduce more, they'll kill and soon wipe us out of this land"

He hit the white ball that soon pushed the 3-ball towards the 8-ball. The two began to roll towards a hole as the 3-ball landed in a hole and the 8-ball rolled towards a corner, then fell down to it. "You vulture" The man in green cussed.

Ty smiled and looked towards him. "Oh am I? I'm just speaking the truth... Also what's the garlic smell?"

"Sorry, I just ate garlic bread before I got here" The man in green coughed and soon revealed his accent.

"Oh god, not another Italian...." Ty thought as he stared at him.

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