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Outside the in the halls, the three servants ran around the halls, chasing up the silverfish.

Jason was in a dog suit with a bunch of trained wolves, chasing the rodents, Sub held a net, Tyler ran with a butcher knife, and Ashley chased them. Loud footsteps were heard from the end of the hallway as Adam stepped in and sees what it happening.

"What on Earth are you three doing?" He asked as he raised up an eyebrow. Tyler turned back at him, knife in hand. "Getting Silverfish of course!" Tyler answered.

Taps were heard from the other side of the halls as Ty stepped in. "Ah, young master," Adam greeted him. "You will have guests tonight, as well is your afternoon snack is almost prepared"

"What is it this time?" Ty questioned. "Its apple and raisin dipped pie, my lord," He answered "I'll bring it up to your work room while you wait for the guests to come"

Ty nodded and headed towards the ballroom stairs. The three were still chasing the Silverfish as Adam sighed in stupidity. He looked at the two rodents and quickly snatched them with his own hands. They both ran out of health and died immediately of his grip. Adam looked at Sub and threw the two small dead bodies in his net.

Adam sighed and faced towards the three. "Now, quit fooling around and get to work!" He yelled angrily as the three scurried to their positions.

He sighed and shook his head slightly, "I swear, those three can't act like adults"

Back with Ty, he looked down at a pile of letters that was held on to his hands.

Alright, let's see..... Ty thought as he flipped through the cards

Bills, Bills, Bills, Angry note, Bills, Bills, A Playboy magazine for Adam, Letter from grandmo-

A hand quickly covered the nobleman's mouth. Ty struggled to get out of the mysterious hand grip. He grabbed a book from the study desk and buffeted it repeatedly over the mysterious person's face. Ty threw books that landed all over the floor, giving off a mess.

A piece of cloth with a strong scent was placed over his mouth and his eyes grew heavy. "Let me go-"

A knock was heard at the door of the study room, Along with wheels from a cart. "Young master?" Adam called out as he knocked on the door and waited for a while. Silence filled the air as Adam begs to knock again.

Looks like he's not answering...

"I've brought your afternoon tea," Adam opened the door as his eyes behind his shades widen.

The whole room was a mess, the window was wide open, books laid everywhere, and there was some blood on the floor. Adam wrinkled his eyebrows of the sight.

"Oh dear, the tea that I worked so hard on is meaningless now," He said looking down at the cart. "How terrible"

Apparently, Ashley was walking by with a note in her hands. "A-Adam?" She asked to the butler. He turned to her and smiled, "Yes?"

Her face burned up as her hand shook when she reached out the note. Adam took it and read it.

Dear servants of the Smien household,

As you may have probably noticed, your young master is not there. Why? you may ask, that's because he's with me. Again, why? For he had crushed many families in London and has to be executed although he's known as the Queen's Watcher, he must be punished by me.

Yours truly,

Sir Luigi

Adam sighed and thanked the note. "What an idiot, giving away his identity," He muttered "Looks like I've got some saving to do, again"

He gave the cart to Ashley and told her to clean it up. She accepted and took the cart away to downstairs. Adam pulled on his gloves and walked over to the window.

"Ah, young master," He said "Why must your favorite hobby must be getting kidnapped?"

He jumped down and landed on his feet on the ground.

"Well, I suppose a Smien butler must always do what's best for his young master"

Yellow ButlerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin