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-With the servants-

Tyler looked around the empty hallways. He smiled and turned towards Ashley and Jason, who stood in the laundry room.

"Alright guys, we could do this! We have to make sure we don't fail with Adam always cleaning up our mess," Tyler said in a speech as the two looked up "Now, Ashley, Go clean the laundry!"

"Yes sir!" Ashely yelled full of spirit as she rushed over to the large sink in the room and scrubbed clothing's through clothing's. "Jason! Go weed the garden just like Adam ordered!"

"Yes sir!" Jason obeyed as he left running outside.

"Now that they're working, I suppose I'll cook dinner for tonight's guest" Tyler muttered to himself as he walked towards the kitchen. He opened up the door and gasped in sight.

Looks like Adam was here and left the vegetables and meat undone... Now is my chance! I could do this without Mr. Perfect...

Meanwhile, the butler headed up to the study room where his master commanded him to go. The halls were very quiet, surprisingly. "Wonder what those three are on about..." He muttered as he knocked on the study door.


Adam entered the study room and closed the door behind him. "Yes, master?" He asked towards the boy, who had his head down in his desk.

"I want something sweet to eat," Ty said loud enough with his face covered. "Make me a cupcake or something"

"I believe I can't do that, master," Adam replied. Ty rose his eyebrow when he slowly rise his head back up. "You will spoil your dinner with Seth tonight if you eat now"

"But I'm hungry..." Ty pouted like a child, oh wait, he is a child. "I apologize master, but I'm far too busy with the preparations for tonight" Adam replied as he left the study room. Ty sighed and looked out the window.

That blasted butler...

Adam left downstairs to finish his duties in the kitchen. He entered the kitchen door where Tyler, Ashely, and Jason were at.

"You three, are you getting the jobs do-"




Adam yelled as he looked around the kitchen. Tyler stood next to the kitchen table while holding a flame thrower, Ashley was on the ground with glass shards around her, and Jason cried in a corner.

"He's gonna get mad at us!" Jason cried as he faced his head to his knees.

"Could someone please care to explain what happened here..." Adam asked glaring at everyone in the room. Tyler puffed out a cloud of smoke from his cigar. "Well, the meat that you left here in the kitchen was still raw, so I thought I could cook it, but it took so long that I decided to cook it,"

"With this" He answered as held up his flamethrower.

Adam facepalmed and walked over to Tyler and took away his Flamethrower. "I'll be confiscating this, thank you very much"

"Now, what about you, Ashley?"

"I wanted to bring out the tea sets for tonight and I'm near sighed so I accidentally tripped and dropped everything!" Ashely replied getting up and brushing off the glass that almost impaled her skin.

"We seriously need to get you glasses..." Adam muttered as he looked over at Jason. "And you, What's the matter?"

Jason looked up and pointed out the window towards the garden. All the grass, bushes, and roses. Gone. Rotten. Dead.

"Oh, are you kidding me..."

"I took out the weeds, but I accidentally dumped the weed killer onto the soil!" Jason yelled and cried. Adam sighed as the three yelled at him of 'Sorry' or 'He's mad at us!'

"You three are having a hard day, how about take a rest while I'll handle the rest here?" Adam suggested to the three as they ran towards him for a group hug. Their second butler, sat down and enjoyed his cup of tea. It was a green bamboo cup with the words "Sub" in front. Which was the name of the butler.

He didn't say anything, he had no face, but at times his face would appear and go. No one understands him, but he's cool.

"I think I have an idea for the garden..."

Meanwhile outside, horses whinnied off the distance as their shoes made a clomp sound of their arrival.

Clomp clomp clomp

Behind them, was a large carriage with a man with a red hat, blue overalls, and red under shirt. The man from Italy finally came.

Seth Bling

Sub left towards the carriage once it arrived the large manor and opened the door for the man. He walked out and smelled the London air, cold and misty. Always it's usual weather.

"Welcome, Sir Seth!" The servants greeted the man. He smiled and bowed down. "Please, come this way," Adam beckoned him towards the door of the mansion. Seth walked towards him and entered the manor.

"Welcome, Sir Seth" Ty greeted him once he reached inside. "I apologize, but dinner will be ready in 20 more minutes" Adam said placing his hand towards his heart and walked out.

"Lord Smien, it's a pleasure to be here" Seth smiled.

"Come, I want to play a game with you" Ty said as Seth followed him towards upstairs. They left towards the living room where a large game board has been set up with different types of pawns and a certain type of spinner.

The game board was taken place in London near the clock tower. "Please, have a seat" Ty said politely as Seth sat in the other side of the game board. "So, how would you play this game?" Seth asked with a concerned look.

"The point of the game, is you choose from either of these mythical creatures that are racing towards the heart of a forest near London," Ty explained "You have a spinner that will tell you how many steps you take. There are certain types of spaces that you land on, for instance, On the 4th large space You loose an arm loose a turn"

"Sounds interesting... Yet brutal... I'll play" Seth smiled as he looked at the pawns.

"It's a new board game that a nearby company that manufactures board games gave to me to test it out, I wasn't able to play it with anyone," Ty explained "Since you are here, I thought that you might as well be my partner in testing"

"Understandable" Seth replied.

A Phoenix, Pegasus, Unicorn, Dragon, and a Two headed snake. They were all made out shiny silver and stood in the side of the large board. "I'll choose the dragon" Seth choose as he grabbed the pawn and placed it on the starting line. Ty looked at his pawns and grabbed the Phoenix and placed it where the dragon was left.

Let the game, begin...

Yellow ButlerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang