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(THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE 2K READS AND 1K FOLLOWERS!!!! Hopefully, I haven't killed anyone yet with the picture in the media XD)

A butler's morning is always start the earliest of all the servants of a house hold.

They always wake up before the sun sets to peak over the hills and far away.

Adam thought as he looked at his closet filled of yellow suits. He examined it as he looked for his set of Sunday suits, he has a lots of pair for each day of the week.

He placed his right hand under his chin as he looked at the matching suits. "I suppose I'll choose this one" He said as he grabbed a suit that was hanging on a closet rack. a clean yellow suit shone in the shine of the sun with the silver buttons stitched on to them, quite the style of this man.

Adam headed towards a drawer and grabbed a slick black tie that's was in there. One made of high-quality fabric, it was quite a fortune in that time of year. He placed on his suit and wrapped the loose tie onto his neck, creating the bow on the top of it.

"There, ready" Adam said looking at himself at a mirror. He stared at his purple gleaming eyes and rose an eyebrows.

I suppose I'll cover these again today....

Adam thought as he grabbed his shades that was on top of his bed drawer, placed them on and smiled. "There we go"

He left his room and towards the kitchen. From there, he met the four servants of the manor, Tyler, Jason, Ashley, and Sub.

"Good morning, everyone" Adam greeted. "Good morning, Adam!" They greeted back.

"Is everyone ready to work today?" Adam asked as the four placed their hand over their foreheads, giving off a salute. "Alright. Ashley, your in charge of the laundry, Jason, please add flowers to the garden, and Tyler, You make lunch"

"What about Sub?" Jason asked, pointing at the second butler. "He could continue whatever he always does" Adam replied. The servants headed out of the door as Adam rummaged through the kitchen cabinets, looking for tea.

After sending out the servants for their chores,

A butler must make his best impression for his young master's awaken and must prepare his early morning tea....

Adam mixed the powder of tea in its container and collected a spoonful of it, dumped it on the tea cup, and pour in water. It created a tan like color in the hot water. He stirred lightly and placed it on top of a silver cart with plates of scones and a teapot.

He brought the silver cart out of the kitchen and towards upstairs. It was a challenge to bring a cart towards a large staircase, but the butler knew what to do in this type of case.

Adam grabbed the silver cart and gently held it up, walking up the stairs and placed the cart down once he reached to the top of the bumpy mountain.

He strolled through the halls of the second floor and looked for the two doored room, where his master is being slept in. Adam found the door after he turned a corner and knocked on it.

"Pardon the interruption," Adam said as he opened the door. The room was dark and there wasn't much inside, only the bed that was in the middle of the room, cabinets, tables, paintings, and a sealed up window. "It is time to get up now, Young master"

Adam walked over to the window and moved the curtains to a side of it. He looks out the window and rose his eyebrows. "It is a beautiful day today"

Ty felt the shine of the sun hit his face as his eyes fluttered up. "A-Adam...." He muttered as he rubbed his right eye, which was revealed. He looked at the silver cart and the tea cup on it. Ty grabbed the small plate under it and sniffed the tea. "Assam Tea?" He asked as Asam nodded.

"I heard that they were making the Assam leaves nearby so I ordered them locally," Adam explained with a smile. "By the way, young master, the children from the Crafted Orphanage was invited to come here today" Ty exclaimed as he sipped on his tea and set it down.

"Ah, how thoughtful," Adam said. "When they might be coming?"



Adam began to unbutton his young master's night shirt and place on a day one with his grey suit. "Today's afternoon snack will be Keemun Tea," Adam announced. "Since it had berries, how would you feel with a side of berry summer pudding?"

"Yes, sounds splendid" Ty smiled the thought of it. Adam buttoned up his suit and placed on his shoes.

Finally after dressing Ty, Adam bowed and left towards downstairs to do the rest of his work, mostly at the kitchen (Cause in this book, it's men that's suppose to be in the kitchen instead)

Chop up the high quality chocolate with the milk and the dark, creating a mixture of miniature pieces. Leave them somewhere cold at 60.

Next, stir them up, melted, and add an orange cream to it and mix at a boiling rate. Let it heat up and soon, let it cool at a room temperate area

Adam worked on the dish and did everything step by step. A loud scream was heard from outside the door as he turned towards it.

"I wonder what was that..."

He walked out of the door and headed towards the screams, it was coming from the laundry room. Adam opened the door and saw Ashley running towards him. "Mr. Adaaaaaammm!" She cried as he rose an eyebrow and looked up at the room.

His eyes widen and his mouth flew open. "What on earth happened to the laundry room?!" He asked the maid. The room was a giant mess of bubbles, they flew everywhere and it was pure white. "I used the soap item that you gave me and it said to use 30 cups on the label!" Ashley explained, holding the soap.

Adam made a displeased face as he read the label. "It says to use 3 cups, not 30 cups," Adam corrected "We really need to get you some glasses or your eyesight will get worst"

He looked around the soapy room and grabbed a mop. "Get one too, your helping me clean this up" Adam said as Ashley left to a corner where a mop stood at. They both began to scrub the white covered floors as it began to wash away.

The floor would shine and turn visible once they got the work done there. Ashley scrubbed away the final group of bubbles and took out the bed sheets from the laundry that was once overfilled. They both carried it out of the room and left outside towards the courtyard.

Six large poles stood at an end with a string attached to them. Little clips were held on the top as they swayed in the wind. They got an end of a sheet and placed it on the clips. They flew in the air as the remaining soap and water dried away in the wind.

Fifteen bed sheets were already hung and being dried. Adam whipped his forehead and looked at the work. "Now if you excuse me, I'll be continuing my duties" He excused himself as he left back inside the manor.

"Seriously," Adam muttered "That girl needs glasses for her work other than other things"

He left towards the kitchen again and continued cooking.

After the chocolate have cooled, place it in a mold and let it sit.

Now onto the other dishes, place butter and water on a pan and heat it up in a stove and let the butter melt away.

Now, dump a certain amount of flour and backing powder in the pan and let it-

"GYAAAAH!" Another scream was heard. Adam facepalmed and stared at the door, turned off the stove and got out of there.

"Now I wonder what the hell they screwed up this time...."

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