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The sky was grey. The crowd made their moves through the streets of London. Horses whinnied when they get mounted on by the wealthy.

Adam and Ty strolled down the streets and looked around at every corner of the area, looking for a certain type of store. A came carving store.

They opened the door as a small bell rang, announcing having customers.

Clang clang clang

A man looked at the two customers and smiled. "Ah, hello! Are you on an errand for your father?" He asked Ty, who was wearing a black coat. Ty looked down and shook his head. Adam took out a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it over to the owner.

"We're here for my young master's cane" He explained as the owner look at the paper and rummaged through behind him where a bunch of wooden containers. "Now I know who would someone order such a short cane," The owner said as he handed over the black stick with silver on its top. "Well, here you go-"

He was soon interrupted of Adam taking the cane and pointing it towards his head like a gun. "Strong and made with high quality wood," Adam said as the owner sat there speechless "This shall be perfect for my master"

Ty reached over for his coat and took out a small sack filled with golden coins. "I believe that should cover it," Ty said as he placed the sack in the desk of the owner. He began walking out if the store with Adam behind his back. "Keep the change"

The both walked out of the shop as they wandered through the streets. "Good grief, I never knew someone could actually break a cane so fine..." Adam said, picturing the time when Jason broke the cane and apologizing.

"I'm so sorry!!!" He cried as he held the two pieces. Adam sighed as Ty stayed shocked of how could Jason break a cane with his bare hands.

"I've always wondered how that lunatic broke it..." Ty wondered as he hopped on to his carriage with Adam. The horses galloped through the roads and onto the forest.

The birds were flying around the cloudy skies of England as bird tweeted and crowd hawked. The trip was silent, Ty couldn't think of anything to discuss of. He looked down at his cane and rubbed smooth black painted wood.

Soon, the horses made a halt as Adam looked out the window and opened up the door. "Where here, Young master"

Adam helped Ty get out of the carriage as they both began to head towards the manor. Adam opened the door to the mansion as Ty stopped for a moment. "I'll go prepare you afternoon tea, with some cake if you'd lik-"

"Oh my god"

"M-My mansion"

The ballroom was all covered In streamers, stuffed animals sat on the edges of the walls as glitter was almost everywhere, and balloons shaped as hearts floated. It was such a girly wonderland. Ty could hear the yells from his servants as they rushed out of the living room and towards him.

"Young master!!!" They yelled as they rushed towards him. They wore bunny rabbit ears and Jason had large cat paws on his hands. "What happened here?" Ty questioned.

"Go ask that crazy girl!" Tyler exclaimed and pointed towards the living room. Ty came walking towards the room and peeped through and gasped.

"This looks so adorable on you!" A high voice was heard "You look like a teddy bear!"

It was a girl with brown hair and green like eyes. She wore a first class red dress with ribbons wrapped around it.


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