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Adam was about to leave the kitchen until a large hole was made in the wall.

"What the hell?!" He screamed as he looked at the other side of it. It came from the other kitchen room that was right next to this one.

There laid Tyler with the same flamethrower that he had to burn the meet couple of days ago, his clothes were burned and his glasses were almost cracked. The whole room was giant mess.

The walls turned black, charcoal was everywhere, some food items burned, and smoke flew everywhere. "Seriously! Again with the flamethrower?!" Adam asked as Tyler shrugged and stood up.

"I must use weapons for cooking," Tyler exclaimed. "It is an art, and art must contain giant explosions!"

Adam started at him and slapped himself in the head. He sighed and looked over at a kitchen cabinet and mini fridge, where ground beef and vegetables stayed cooled in and safe.

"Well, might as well use this for lunch" Adam suggested taking out the cooled ground beef and vegetables. He asked Tyler to cut and peel the vegetables while he cooks the ground beef.

An aroma filled up the place as Ashley could smell the cooking food. It made her mouth water, but too bad it's just for her young master. "My, I suppose the men should be in the kitchen I this situation!"

Moments passed, and Tyler placed down a neatly styled plate. Adam brought over a pan that carried five rolls. He grabbed a fork and carefully placed them on the plate Tyler brought.

"Today's lunch, rolled cabbage with potato mint salad," Adam smiled at the perfection of the dish. "Thank you for helping me, Tyler"

Tyler smiled and scratched the back of his head. "It was nothing!"

Adam left to the other side of the kitchen to continue on with his work. He cracked his knuckles and started to cook "Really now! I haven't made any progress on my work," Adam muttered grabbing a bag of brown sugar from a cabinet "Time to get this over with"

Adam opened the bag of brown sugar and did as told on his mind.

Spread brown sugar on the board and place it on the over for 60 degrees-

"MR. AADDDDAAAAAMMMM!" Someone cried out as the butler's eyes widen.


He felt arms wrap around his chest as he looked down and saw a crying Jason. "Jason, what is the matter?" Adam asked to the crying boy "Your not a baby"

Jason cried on his chest as it he started to soak up Adam's chest. He grabbed Adam from the arm and took his outside to the front door. In one glimpse of the lawn, Adam's face turned to this:


"Oh my god Jason, What the hell have you done" He said turned coldly to the gardener. The tree were bald to the branches that you could see the ants climbing up and down the wood. The bushes were damped and very moist, the grass turned yellow and dark by the water flooding on it, and cries flew around. Jason wiped back tears and blinked them away. "I-I thought that the sprinklers worked fine until it flooded the whole garden!" He explained.

"Then what in the world happened to the trees?" Adam asked as he stared at the thin wood. "I tried sucking away the water with a leave blower, but I had in reverse so it took the leaves!" Jason cried. "I'm so sorry!!!!!"

Adam looked around at the mess and quickly thought of what to do to fix this situation. "Just go buy some trees at the gardening store," Adam responded. "It easier than growing them from scratch, right?"

Jason's face light up as he smiled. "I can do that! Awesome! All I need is money and ill be off!" He exclaimed as he stared and smiled at the butler. Adam just stood there emotionless and stared at the gardener. Jason tilted his head sideways, smiling. "Aren't you gonna give me the money?"

Adam sighed as he reached down to his pocket and took out a bag of Ty's money. He handed it over to Jason's waiting hands. "Thank you Mr. Adam!" Jason thanked as he skipped off to the carriage and took the ride to the city of London.

I must not waist time.... I need to see Him

Adam left back inside the manor and ran through the halls, although he tells Ashley not to do that, he can do whatever the heck Adam wants.

He must be waiting for me right about now, Adam thought as he looked down at his pocket watch.

He found the door to the courtyard as he slides it open and stepped outside the garden. He looked around in worry until he looked down and smiled.

"Ah, there you are" Adam said to a pup. There stood a puppy with brown coated fur and big black eyes. It smiled as it began to jump on the butler. "I see you were here for a while, but no worries I'm here" He said picking up the puppy from the ground.

Adam looked at his paws and felt them. Rough, but very amusing to it. He petted the fur of the puppy as it began to wag it's tail. "Dogs are truly playful.."

He placed the pup down as it ran in circles. "Now, Now, I must continue on with my work," Adam smiled "I'll meet you here tomorrow"

He walked back inside the mansion and towards the kitchen. "Now finally, I could finish the job"

About an hour passed and the three servants barged in the kitchen door.

"MR. ADAAAAM!" They yelled and stopped for a moment to see what he was doing. The whole kitchen has turned into a sweet wonderland. Fresh cupcakes were on tables, tea and cake were together, a giant monument of the Tower of London or Big Ben made out of chocolate, and a statue of a headless man in horse made out of chocolate too.

"A-Adam! This is amazing!" Tyler exclaimed to the creations. Adam turned back to him and smiled. "Why, thank you very much" He looked at the time and panicked. "Oh dear! It's young masters afternoon tea time!" He exclaimed grabbing a silver cart with a tea set already there. Adam rushed towards the study room, where Ty is always at everyday. "My, I'm gonna get a beating after this...."

Adam opened up the study room door in exhaustion and stared towards the chair. "I pardon the lateness and interruption, young Maste-" He said but looked at Ty. He was sound asleep in his chair, looking like he was bored all day long.

"My young master, how untidy of you," Adam said walking over to the windows, which were open up. "You left the windows wide open" and quickly shut them.

"I suppose I'll leave you to rest here....."

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