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Jocelyn turned around once her name was called and she smiled.

"Tyyyy!!!!!! I've been wanting to see you!!!" She exclaimed as she began to squeeze the life out of him. "J-Jocelyn! What are you doing here?!" Ty asked as he was shaken and squeezed violently by her. "I wanted to see yoooouuuuu!!!"

Adam looked over at them and chuckled. She turned over to him and let go of Ty, who almost tripped to the floor.

"Welcome, Lady Jocelyn," Adam greeted. "It's been a while since I laid my eyes on a lovely lady"

Jocelyn giggled and bowed down to him. "Adam! Good day! I brought a souvenir for you as well!"

"A souvenir-?" Adam got interrupted by a pink bow placed on his neck and cat ears on his head.

Ty raised his eyebrows and his eye almost twitched in embarrassment. "I just thought you wore too much yellow, so I decided to make you cute!" Jocelyn exclaimed "You like cats, correct?"

"Dogs, my lady" Adam corrected.

"Anyways, Jocelyn, why are you here?" Ty asked as he held his head of all of the girly items around. "Ugh, call me Jocey! Also, like Ive said earlier I wanted to see you!" Jocelyn explained as the servants laughed at Adam.

He gave a devilish smile and slapped and slapped all three of them. "Ow!"

"H-Hey Adam, Who's that crazy girl anyways?" Tyler asked rubbing against his red cheek. Adam looked at her as she began talking about how long it took her to get the decorations and so on.

"Miss Jocelyn is Young Master's," Adam answered, but cleared him throat.





The three were shocked as Adam smiled and nodded. "In order to get a wealthy family, you must marry a royal family," Adam explained "Since Miss Jocelyn is the daughter of The Marquee, she's acceptable"

Jocelyn danced around the ballroom and giggled. "Ty! I have an idea! We shall hold a dance party since I have worked hard on decorating!" She announced. Ty stared at her blankly and his eye began to twitch.

"A-A Dance?" Adam questioned.

"It would amazing! Dancing with my fiancée!" She dreamt as she daydreamed her and Ty as adults, dancing.

"H-Hey! Since anyone agreed to this?!" Ty asked. Jocelyn paid no attention and kept dreaming. She gasped and held on to his hands "Ty! You should wear the clothing I picked out for you!"

"Since when I agreed to this?!" Ty asked as Jocelyn left to get a dress out of a trunk. It was a blue and black dress that was almost the same design of the dress she's wearing at the moment. "This is gonna magicaaaallll!"

Ty sighed and left towards his study room in exahustion. Adam followed, and kept thinking of the idea of the dance. "She doesn't listen..." Ty muttered. "I do not have any time for this 'Dance' I have work to do!"

"But you must please your Fiancée, that's the job of a gentleman," Adam exclaimed. "You want to keep this marriage going on, correct?"

"I was forced to do it" Ty added in. "Anyways, you will dance and you will do it. There had to be something interesting once in a while in your life" Adam said as he poured tea onto a cup. "Plus, you've always been left out on parties"

"I just don't have the moves to dance...." Ty muttered in embarrassment. Adam smiled and held out his hand. "Then I will teach you"

Ty looked up in embarrassment. "You! As my dance teacher?"

"Well how hard could it be?" He asked. "B-But your too big!" Ty exclaimed as he stood up from his desk. (That's what she said XD)

Adam grabbed his hand and led him towards a clear space. "You have no choice but to learn if you want to make this right..." Adam said "Now, since your gonna be dancing with Jocelyn, I will be a girl"

"This makes no sense whatsoever"

"Just go on with it, young master"

Ty sighed and placed his hand on Adam's hips as He placed his arms on Ty's shoulders. "Now, when I move, your left foot will be moving right since your going around in circles," Adam explained "Now, lets start"

Ty did as told, but accidentally kicked on Adam's ankle. He looked down at him as Ty looked up at him, emotionless. Adam sighed, "Lets start over again"

They did the same routine, and Ty was looking down towards Adam's feet, following each move they make. Once again, the lunatic stepped on his shoes. "You should smile and show expression for once" Adam exclaimed as he stretched out Ty's cheek, almost making it look like his smiling.

"Quit it!" Ty yelled as he slapped his hand out of his face.

Adam looked at him shocked, but soon cleared his expression. "Besides, I've forgotten to show other expression other than a straight one"

He looked down in sadness. "I will wish you luck on dancing, but I believe it's time to change into the clothing Jocelyn got you" Adam suggested as Ty nodded and left towards his bedroom.

Minutes passed, and Jocelyn stood at a mirror that was placed on the ballroom. Ashley helped her put on her bow and smiled. "You look very beautiful with this on, Miss Jocelyn" Ashley said with a cheery smile. "Why, thank you!" Jocelyn smiled and heard a voice come from the stairs.

"I am here, Jocelyn"

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