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Thank you for clicking on my story, The Black Sheep! I hope you continue reading and enjoy it!

I've been obsessed with Andromeda ever since I wrote a one-shot about her. So, this story will revolve around Andromeda Black and it will start in her fourth year!

This is going to be a bit on the longer side (compared to the trilogy), and instead of putting each school year into a new book, I'm separating them into acts. The years after Hogwarts will be in the same act! There's going to be five acts.

I had already written out the entire plot when I figured out that Sirius did not start Hogwarts until the year after Andromeda graduated. I decided to leave the fact that Sirius is at Hogwarts during Andromeda's last year. I'm sorry if this annoys you!

I would like to thank arnoldthe-pygmypuff  for giving me insight into what it's like being Muslim for one of my OCs. Thank you to agentbot08 for editing my prologue! And thank you to Hipponiffler for making me a lovely, new cover!

I put song lyrics and gifs at the beginning of some chapters, yet they might not have anything to do with the chapter itself. They could be fitting for the entire story or just feelings that a character holds in general. Interpret them as you wish.

Warnings: mentions/actions of self-harm, child abuse, suicidal thoughts, disordered eating

Each one of these warnings will be disclosed at the top of the chapter except for disordered eating because it applies to nearly every chapter. If this triggers you, then I would advise you against reading this book.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series, nor do I pretend to. The only things I own are my original characters and my plotline! I do not own any gif images I put at the top of any chapter unless I suddenly become able to make my own gifs and specify otherwise. I also do not own any song lyrics or music that I put in the story and I will credit the artist!

(Although, when it comes to poetry check who's credited because I might own it!)

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