7- Nobody Gets Hexed

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"Who do you call when it's late at night?
When the headlines just don't paint the picture right"

Blankets had to have been sent by Merlin himself. The coldest of February nights were no match for the common room fire and Meda's growing pile of blankets she huddled further into. She sat next to Narcissa as she chatted with Bellatrix about her wedding.

Andromeda tried her best to give as little input as possible, making sure she couldn't possibly ruin anything. All she had been asked by her sisters was if she cared what color her bridesmaid dress would be and if she wanted to be Maid of Honour. Andromeda answered the first question with a no and the second a yes, the second answer being less sure than the first.

As if Lestrange—Lesty as Meda called him to purposely get on everyone's nerves—had heard Bellatrix and Narcissa arguing over centerpieces, he appeared by Bella's side, handing her a card and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Bellatrix, not one to show emotion, did nothing in return, focusing just on the envelope addressed to her. She scanned the outside of it long after Lesty had joined his friends again, causing Cissy to grow agitated.

"Open it, Bella," Narcissa practically pleaded.

Andromeda was also interested in seeing what the envelope held, but she wasn't about to let Bellatrix know this. The more people wanted Bella to open the envelope, the less likely she was to actually open it.

It appeared that Bellatrix felt more compliant today than she had in the past because she ripped open the envelope upon hearing Narcissa's request.

"What's it say?" Andromeda asked, pleased with how nonchalant her voice sounded.

Bellatrix scrunched her nose as she looked down at the card.

"It's a Valentine's card," Bellatrix said, sounding stunned.

Whatever spell the display of affection had placed over her, was broken quite quickly since Bellatrix threw the card in the fire. Meda nearly laughed as Narcissa's eyes widened.

"That wasn't very nice, Bella," Cissy tutted, her eyes fixed on the fire.

"When will you get it through that thick skull of yours, Cissy?" Bellatrix's placid face had returned. "We're not getting married because we're in love. We're getting married because we have to."

Narcissa didn't have a response to that and instead just shifted awkwardly in her seat. Bellatrix's piercing glare settled on both sisters.

"Toujours Pur," Bella said.

Andromeda wasn't sure whether she shivered because the February cold had finally made its way under her blankets or because Bellatrix's tone was so frightening.

"Toujours Pur," Narcissa repeated.


The Slytherin common room was supposed to be a safe haven for its house. A place where Slytherin students could find a common ground to employ conversation, however, more people than just Andromeda often skipped socializing there.

One of the only ways that Meda had been able to stay out of whatever Bellatrix had gotten herself into was escaping the eyes of her house in the library. Madam Pince had gotten to know her well ever since joining the Hogwarts' staff in her second year.

In fact, immediately following breakfast, Andromeda had found a place in the library for both her and Henri. Wanting to talk about the quidditch match that had taken place, Meda hadn't brought any textbooks with her, and with Henri's punctuality, this didn't prove to be a problem.

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