28- Sister Feuds

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"And I can see it in your face
You've got a side you can't explain"

Summer days seemed to be growing longer every time Andromeda was given a new one. However, it wasn't as if the hours she spent in St. Mungo's were pleasant ones.

Not once could she think of a moment where Cygnus treated a single human in the room with an ounce of respect, unless it was a man, of course. He had requested all male doctors, scoffing in the face of the woman who had originally been assigned his case.

It made Andy's blood boil.

She couldn't stay in his presence for more than five minutes at a time. A little while ago she would've been sad about that, but Cygnus lost all rights to any pity at all.

Needless to say, she had made some questionable decisions in order to get away from her family that summer. Although, in her opinion questionable should be used loosely since she refused to believe they were all that controversial.

Sure, she had skipped a few hospital visits, neglecting to support Narcissa in the process. However, Narcissa had other support systems that she should learn how to use now because Andromeda would not be in their family forever.

Sure, she had left her house a number of times to hang out with Henri and her newfound muggle friends, but having friends wasn't against the law. Her so-called family would never approve of them, but then again, when had she ever called them family.

And sure, she had kissed one of her muggle friends, August, but that had only happened once so it was fine. Besides, they had spent so much time with each other since then and nothing like that had happened... never mind the casual arm touches and stolen glances from one side of the party.

It wasn't a big deal though. August was sweet and funny and charming. He couldn't hurt a fly--no really, he cringed every time Meda killed a bug--and he treated her so well. August had begun to give her flowers, of which she always picked one to put in her hair.

If this was what it felt like to be happy, then why was it so conflicting?

Andromeda wondered why she couldn't have fun without constantly thinking about Narcissa alone in her room, Druella and the nurses being treated terribly by Cygnus, or Ted's worried glances.

Now, she almost always got herself to ignore the last bit, however, Andy found it difficult not to daydream about his eyes, or wistfully think about all of their latest conversations. She liked to chalk it up to missing a friend, but the logical side of her brain reminded her she didn't think about Jack the same way she thought about Ted or even Henri for that matter.

All of these conflicting feelings were bound to burst out of her at some point, but like it was her first and only language, she chose to ignore them. Perhaps, Andy did this to protect herself, or maybe it was more self-destructive than anything else.

Whatever it was, Andromeda couldn't find it in herself as she sat in Bellatrix's parlor with her two sisters. After a rather emotional hospital visit, they all found themselves hesitant to speak. Still, Narcissa started conversation.

"Do you think he's going to get better, Bella?" Narcissa asked softly.

Andy shifted her eyes slowly from sister to sister. She watched as Bellatrix stared at the tea she held in her lap. Her older sister sighed heavily.

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