34- The Andy & Henri Show

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"They told me I was out there, tried to knock me down
Took those sticks and stones, showed 'em I could build a house"

Druella hadn't even gotten around to say goodbye to them.

Andromeda hadn't been too bothered by this. It was unfortunate and she acknowledged that, but she would rather just cut out all interaction with Druella than have to pretend to be somebody else. The new dynamic that had fallen over their house was much healthier for her, but she couldn't say the same thing for Narcissa.

Since she was little, Cissy had strived to get praise from her parents, something Meda had given up on very early on. Narcissa lived to please, and now that she couldn't get any attention at all, well, it just wasn't the best situation. Of course, Meda tried to distract her the best she could, which she hoped Narcissa appreciated—she did—but ultimately, it was good for Narcissa that the holidays ended when they did.

Now, they walked together to the platform where they would eventually board the train to Hogwarts. Andromeda practically skipped along with her trunk in her hand. She woke up in a good mood that morning—probably because she got to leave her "house"—and Narcissa was feeding off of it. Clad in muggle clothing—Narcissa had turned her nose up at it at first, yet it grew on her by the time they made it to the station.

Fighting their way through the crowds, they only stopped once to laugh when someone tripped over their trunk—don't worry they're fine—and made it to the train relatively quickly.

They hop right on the train without any problems, only briefly wondering what to do since they usually would've abandoned each other by now. Narcissa broke their brief awkward moment by jumping into a hug, one Andromeda would play over in her head when the days grew cold around the edges.

"Don't pretend like I don't exist this year, alright?" Andromeda said, resting her chin on Narcissa's head. Cissy chuckled. "I love you, don't forget that."

They pulled back, a bittersweet smile on their faces.

"Love you too, Meda."

Their sisterly bond renewed, stronger than it was in the years before, they parted without the usual heaviness in their chests.

It didn't take long too find the family Andromeda had formed at Hogwarts. She saw Ted and Jack arguing first, Henri not in her sight until a moment later. In turn, Ted spotted her first and immediately dropped the argument he was having to tackle her into a hug she wasn't quite expecting.

"Merlin, Ted, it's not as if I'm going anywhere," Andy says as her heart threatens to burst it's seams.

She can tell by the way he doesn't respond that he was worried about her going home. The thought threatens to constrict her breathing, so she lets go of Ted like he would break if she doesn't hold on longer. Andy takes his hand and squeezes it reassuringly, ignoring Henri and Jack's gaze.

"I'm alright, I promise."

She smiled at him and pats his hand before letting go and jumping into a hug with Jack. Over his shoulder, she makes eye contact with Henri, silently communicating with each other that they'd be speaking about what just happened.

Andromeda doesn't mind. In fact, she looks forward to when she later spills her guts to Henri like it's second nature, and well, it may as well be at this point.

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