45- Gryffindor First-years

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"Does everybody else got it figured out?
Does anybody else deal with doubt?"

Family was a strange topic for the four seventh years that had found solace in each other. Jack could talk about his for ages it seemed like, and Ted could too. Although, sometimes he would tear up thinking of Bobbie and her ailments. Henri had had more of a rocky relationship with her family, only really ever having her mum. She loved her mother an indescribable amount, but she often felt alone as a child as her mum had to work to provide for them. Andromeda certainly had the most tough time with her family, choosing to skirt around the topic as frequently as possible. Yet, recently, that had been difficult with Sirius and Narcissa.

Henri, in particular, had taken an interest in them both. She had befriended Sirius and his friends as they all resides in Gryffindor. James called her his idol due to her captaincy of the quidditch team. Henri had also taken the time to seek out Davina, making sure she had some friends to go to, and in that, had struck up at least an alliance. They hadn't talked about the heavy stuff yet, but Henri could tell she was growing on her.

Andy didn't mind her going out of her way to make new friends because she thought it was admirable the way Henri seemed to just adopt people into her life. However, it annoyed Andromeda that Henri knew something had happened over summer break, and wouldn't stop lightly pestering her about it.

Now, Andy realized that she would have to tell her friends at some point. She couldn't hide something like that forever, even if she was tempted to. Andy trusted the three of them with her life, the only problem was that she just didn't feel like talking about it.

She had had enough turmoil caused by her family for a lifetime, and just thinking about it made her feel a range of emotions. So, she avoided the topic entirely, silently wishing Henri would take the hint and drop it too.

They both knew Henri was too stubborn for that.

For now though, it would have to take a back burner as Ramadan had started. From October 21st through November 19th, Henri would focus on the celebration more than anything else. She had already gotten permission from McGonagall to go home for part of it, which was so terribly exciting Henri was practically bouncing off the walls.

She would pray, fast, worship, complete acts of service, and worry about everything else at a later date. Henri's light for her religion would not be dimmed.


Andromeda had quickly settled into her seventh-year, which was shaping up to be the best one yet. She was taking classes she enjoyed, Sirius was in the castle, her role as Head Girl took up a lot of free time, but it was time she could spend with Ted.

She knew that she really wouldn't be able to delay the inevitable for much longer, especially with the way she looked at Ted these days. Their patrols flew by, even with finding their peers in compromising positions. Andy didn't know she could love astronomy more than she did before, and yet, she was pleasantly surprised.

Although, patrols and astronomy weren't the only times she found herself next to Ted. It was almost hard to be rid of him—they walked together between classes, studied together during free periods, and walked to meals with each other as they were doing now.

Andromeda swung her arms back and forth, nearly skipping towards the Great Hall. Ted walked a little slower, just behind, and he smiled as he went—these days he couldn't really keep the grin from his face.

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