24- Acting Like Bella

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"When you are young, they assume you know nothing"

Accidents, events that cause fate's plan to split into many roads, of which the person that lived through the accident travels down. Unknowingly to them, they could have gone a completely different route if a single event hadn't happened. Terrifying to think about, the concept of the butterfly effect was scary enough for people to not believe in it at all.

Andromeda was a firm believer in all of the above. She decided a long time ago fate was what placed her in her family, but accidents along the way had led her to where she was now. It was comforting to her to think that fate was the reason she was a part of her family as it meant she couldn't blame herself.

Some accidents she would be forever thankful for. She considered Henri stumbling into her train compartment at the start of their fourth year an accident and a miracle. The unconditional support she got from her helped Andy in ways she would never be able to express.

She thought about how she might be able to offer something, anything in return to Henri as words flew from the tip of her quill. Sitting in the library alone--Henri was at her quidditch practice--peace, something she didn't think she'd ever be able to see, surrounded her. She studied diligently for the upcoming O.W.L. exams.

After finishing her potions essay, which Slughorn made more difficult than it had to be on purpose, Andromeda decided she would grab a book from the muggle section for fun. If someone asked her about it, then Andy would probably panic and wack them over the head with it, so she hoped for a trip back to the common room free of interaction.

Scanning the shelves, a title she had already read, Pride and Prejudice, jumped out at her. The first time she had seen the book, the title had reminded her of her family, intriguing her to find out what it was about. She had immediately fallen in love with the characters and the storyline. Before she had grabbed it though, somebody pulled it off the shelf.

To her surprise, Ted Tonks was standing in front of her looking embarrassed. He tried to give her the book, but she pushed it back into his hand and laughed.

"Not so macho, are we?" She teased, laughing when he blushed harder.

"It's only my guilty pleasure, I swear," Ted defended himself, nearly stuttering and sighing in defeat when Andromeda laughed harder.

"So, tell me, how many romance novels do you read on the daily?" She asked while laughing, not stopping when he softly glared at her.

"Ha, ha, have I ever told you how funny you are?" Ted asked, walking beside her as he went to Madam Pince to check out the book.

"No, but I wouldn't mind if you did more often," Andy replied, shifting the tote bag on her shoulder.

Henri had given her the tote bag for her last birthday, citing the fact that it was the first gift she had ever given Andromeda. She had nearly cried when she received it, promising herself she would repay Henri for everything she had ever done to help Andy.

"You are so full of yourself today!" Ted said when they left the library together. "What's happened?"

"I'm just happy," Andy said in response, happily humming to herself.

She didn't catch the look in her eyes because she turned to wave to a portrait. However, she would've seen him melt inside while simultaneously scolding himself.

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