10- Longing for Freedom

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"All you will need for a rocking good time
Is a bunch of people who don't give a damn"

"All you will need for a rocking good timeIs a bunch of people who don't give a damn"

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Freedom had interested Andromeda since she was a little girl. Everything about it appeared wonderful, being able to speak your mind, wear what you want, and make your own decisions were just a few things that had especially intrigued her.

Once, when she was in a lesson with Mrs Carrow, around the age of seven or eight, Meda asked why they weren't allowed to follow their hearts like the girls in a book she had read. Instead of thoroughly answering the question, Mrs Carrow slapped her hand, confiscated the book, and told her not to ask stupid questions.

It was then that she learned her family didn't believe in freedom.

In fact, Andromeda had soon figured out that what the word symbolized was the very thing that her family despised. At the small age of ten she had mourned her freedom.

Hogwarts had provided a little bit of a safe haven for her. Of course, Andromeda still had to be careful with what she did because her sisters were around, but it wasn't like they could watch her every moment of the day. The school gave her a slice of freedom that Meda had always so desperately craved.

Due to the fact that the freedom dissolved the moment she went home, Andromeda always mourned the end of the school year. The end of her fourth year was no different. She had just taken her exams, both practical and written for every subject. This caused her a great deal of stress since her family expected her to do extremely well, their expectations were never fair—not that she expected them to be anything except cruel. Now that the exams were over, Andromeda didn't have anything else to think about except going home for the summer.

Although, Meda had been thinking about how weird Bellatrix had been acting recently. During the day, she'd accompany Andromeda more around the castle, quickly abandoning the rule they had of pretending the other didn't exist. It made her feel like Bella knew something that she didn't, which could be anything really because there were tonnes of things that Andromeda didn't know.

Like why she was risking getting caught in the corridors with Henri when she should be asleep in bed.

However, there were several answers to that question. One, Andromeda couldn't hang out with Henri as much during the day because of Bellatrix's newly found interest in her, and Meda wanted to find a way to make it up to Henri. Her friend had confessed she had been feeling quite lonely, causing Andy to feel guilty anytime she wasn't with her. Two, Andromeda knew now that Henri would never leave her—she was just too darn loyal—yet she still didn't want to risk it and lose Henri as a friend because of Bellatrix.

So, that left them with the solution to sneak out into the corridors and talk about whatever crossed their mind.

"Seriously, Andy, care of magical creatures is an amazing course!" Henri said as they talked about their favorite classes.

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