2- Potions Partners

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"So I'm taking this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today"

Hogwarts excited Andromeda. She found that the assignments allowed her to truly challenge herself and immerse herself in something useful. The background chatter of students filled her ears with something other than insults for once. Even if she hardly spoke to anyone around her, being surrounded by others her age was refreshing.

Her favorite classes were the ones that had more practical work. Andromeda loved the way Professor McGonagall taught, she was strict enough to where there was no-nonsense, yet the classroom always held a comfortable atmosphere. Transfiguration was interesting in itself though, taking one object and making it into another had piqued Andromeda's interest since day one. Andromeda also enjoyed charms. Professor Flitwick had taken a liking to her because she was so adept at the subject. He had recommended her summer reading books for the past multiple summers and had shown her that authority figures could also be friends.

On the contrary, Andromeda disliked history of magic. She never quite understood why she needed to learn about things that happened however many years ago, and in her opinion, she could be spending her time elsewhere doing more important things.

Professor Sprout had replaced their old herbology in her second year. Ever since the professor taught, Andromeda found that while she liked the subject, she didn't have the magic touch when it came to plants. Try as she might, the class just wasn't for her, but writing the essays was tolerable, so she didn't have the incessant need to drop the class.

The push and pull of her defense against the dark arts class made her dread attending. Each teacher had focused on different areas, but Andromeda always noticed the looks she received in that class. It was almost like speaking about the dark arts was going to make her go rogue or something. It would take much more for Andromeda to like defense than other classes. The states were just unbearable sometimes.

Her mother had insisted she take arithmancy, which was one reason Andromeda didn't enjoy the subject very much. Another was that the complexities of it had caused her to lose many hours of sleep. Each assignment was grueling, although Meda didn't complain much otherwise because she didn't have much else to do. Yet, she couldn't help but think that she would've been having more fun in muggle studies.

Here she sat in Potions, easily her least favorite class because of Slughorn, waiting for him to assign partners. Andromeda recognized a few faces of people who came to her house for pureblood gatherings. Still, when she walked in, Henri was the first to catch her eye.

Henri wore the biggest smile on her face along with her uniform and a light blue hijab. Meda wanted to ask her about the hijab to see if that's what it was, but she didn't want to come across as disrespectful, so she kept hoping the right words would come to her.

Slughorn cleared his throat, drawing her attention back to him as he prepared to speak in front of the class. Andromeda had the urge to roll her eyes at his show, this was taking far too long in her beliefs.

"Mr. Carrow, you're in the back," Slughorn pointed to a cauldron. "Miss Smith, you're with him."

Half the class had already moved when Andromeda's name had been called to a cauldron in the front. She wasn't surprised by this, Bellatrix had tried to get away with way too much in his classroom.

"Miss Moreau, you're with Miss Black," Slughorn said, and Henri crinkled her eyebrows at the mispronunciation.

"It's More-row, Professor," she objected.

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