33- Feelings, Blegh

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"Baby, I don't want to see you cry, no
I wanna see you smile"

TW// mentions of child abuse

Andromeda had always found a friend in the sky above. Whether she was wishing on a shooting star, or soaking in the sun's rays, Andy often found herself turning to the sky for answers.

This made astronomy loads easier since one literally had to find the answers in the sky.

Astronomy had been one of her favorite classes since she had started the course, but recently, it had come with extra perks. Along with her prefect patrols, astronomy class was one of the only times that she had one on one time with Ted, which she found herself cherishing more with the winter holidays approaching.

Shivering as she wrote, the lines connecting the constellations were shaky at best. About to turn to apologize for this, Andy was surprised to find Ted holding out his jumper for her. She stared at him resolutely.

"Take the jumper, Andy," Ted said stubbornly.

Andromeda crossed her arms as her teeth chattered. Although she didn't say anything, Ted and Andy had held an entire argument without the use of words.

"Take the jumper," Ted repeated, still holding the jumper out for her.

She held her ground for no real reason as it wouldn't hurt to take the jumper from him. Yet, she felt it was important she didn't. When Andy was still shivering and still wouldn't take the jumper, Ted took matters into his own hands.

Sighing, he stopped holding the jumper out to her, allowing her to think he had given up. Then, she flickered her eyesight to the side for a second, but a second happened to be as long as Ted needed. He pulled the jumper over her head, causing her to shriek and a laugh to escape itself from Ted.

She turned around—her arms still not in the jumper holes—to face Ted with a small glare, that's existence was threatened by the grin trying to grow on her face.

"You're so annoying," Andy complained, putting her arms through the holes.

"Right back at ya," Ted said, winking as he went to turn in their finished papers.

Between the smell of the jumper and the wink, Andromeda was sure her heart would stop.


On the train ride home, so many memories plagued her mind until she had an epiphany that made her want to throw up, in the anxiety way. Her friends let her ride most of the way home without conversation as she usually requested to be let alone while she tried to prepare herself to go home.

Of course, that is what she started doing, thinking of ways to help her and Narcissa fly under the radar. However, all it took was one look from Ted to send her in a downward spiral.

Naturally, she had, at first, scolded herself, until she stopped for a moment and thought about what had happened. Now, this was where the reason she hated thinking came into play, simply because it led to overthinking.

In this instance, was Andy overthinking? No, no she was not.

Memories of things from the past of Ted flooded her brain, and suddenly, she realised how deep she had gotten herself. For all the teasing she had endured and all the denial she had spewed, she was now just noticing that Jack and Henri had been right this whole time.

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