25- A Harmless Hug

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"This is just a journey, drop your worries
You are gonna turn out fine"

"This is just a journey, drop your worries You are gonna turn out fine"

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Andromeda wondered seriously if she would ever be completely okay. She had been in a better mood these days, but Meda couldn't name a time where she was perfectly content with her life. Perhaps, this was a side effect of being born into a screwed up family, and if it was, then it just gave her another reason to leave.

However, she still questioned why she couldn't get over her terrible genetics and live life freely. The day she was able to stop and smell flowers, cherish a sweet without feeling guilty, or laugh hysterically without holding anything back was the day she knew she had really left her family behind. Until that day, she'd feel like a missing piece had been separated from her at birth, taken by the claws of her family as if it were a key to unlock one's true happiness.

Living while feeling incomplete became easier with time. Since Andromeda had been like this for so long, she had become a master of separating her joy from her sorrows. This task had never been difficult for her though, seeing as the things that made her happy were nearly always completely opposite to the things that filled her with sadness.

Since Henri had entered her life, Andy would associate nothing but happiness with her. This is why Andromeda became bubbly upon learning that Henri had to make up a herbology lesson during her period. Her free period lined up exactly, allowing everything to fall into place.

Not only was Henri in her herbology class, but Ted and Jack were there because the Slytherins had shared the class with the Hufflepuffs the entire year. So, the group of four was reunited once again in all their chaos and glory.

"Andy, look! I'm a pothead!" Jack whispered from across the table with a pot on his head.

She rolled her eyes, taking the note Henri passed from under the table and unfolded it.

What's wrong with Ted?

Andy looked up to meet eyes with Henri and, instead, she ironically made direct eye contact with Ted. She smiled tentatively and he smiled briefly back, but his smile didn't hold the same amount of emotion as it normally did.

Andy shrugged at Henri, trying to pay attention to Sprout's lecture as she wrote back.

How should I know?

"After repotting your plant, I want you to start on the essay I assigned for homework," Sprout said, getting met with a classroom full of groans. "You need to use your time responsibly with O.W.L.s approaching!"

Henri didn't get to reply to the note because the herbology class nearly took off without them. However, as they navigated repotting the plants without letting Jack screw anything up on accident, the two girls held an entire conversation with their eyes.

It was more like an argument than a conversation. Henri wanted Andy to figure out what was wrong with Ted, yet Andy didn't understand why Henri couldn't just figure it out herself. Why couldn't Henri just be the one to ask what's wrong?

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