44- Inches Apart

35 1 27

"All I did was try my best
This the kind of thanks I get?"

Narcissa is not excited for her upcoming year at Hogwarts. To many it was not obvious how much she had hanging over her head, meanwhile Narcissa wasn't sure how she was going to handle it all.

There wasn't much she could do except mull it over in her head and then proceed to ignore it until it became a real issue later on. Once upon a time, she might've told Davina of her problems, yet it seemed those days were beyond her. It was a harsh way to end their relationship—she was all too aware of that—but she couldn't help and think that if she had done it in a nice way, then there would be leftover attachment.

It turns out being mean to people you love doesn't drive away any love that you had for them. Narcissa quickly found it just made it hurt more.

She tried her utmost to regret what she had with Davina, and still, every bone in her body rejected the very thought. The way they fit together would always have a lasting impression on her mind—if she didn't admit that, then she was an idiot.

There was no world where she could accept being only friends with Davina though, which would probably be the same for Davina too. Narcissa had reviewed that as an option because Andromeda kept non-pureblood friends, so why wouldn't she be able to? With that being said, she realized she was simply just too enamored with Davina to even fiddle with the concept anymore.

Thoughts of her filled Narcissa's mind nearly every waking moment of the day. She felt as sick as Andromeda looked by the time they arrived at the Hogwarts Express—the end of summer holiday certainly hadn't been kind to either one of them.

Dwelling on what had happened wouldn't help her any though, so she tried to forget about it the best she could. Of course, the one person she was trying to forget just happened to run right into her the second she made sure Andromeda got to where she was going.

They stared at each other's disarray for a moment, not conscious of those around them. It had always been that way from the very beginning. They were the only two that existed when they were together, and really, nobody else ever stood a chance.


Narcissa winced at the nickname, trying hard to put up a front as tears fought their way into her eyes. It had never been easy to hide herself from Davina, and maybe that was why when she began to cry she didn't hide it, allowing Davina to pull her into a bathroom.

They sank to the floor together, Narcissa in Davina's arms. She had a sinking feeling that Davina knew why she broke up with her, but on the other hand, how could she not? There was only ever one thing that was going to get in between them.

"Cissa," Davina coaxed Narcissa's head from her shoulder, attempting to get a glimpse of her silver eyes.

She had always loved her eyes. Although, when they were filled with such a deep sadness at their age, it was difficult to look into them without breaking down yourself.

"Vina," Narcissa replied quietly, her voice barely above a whisper as it crackled.

"Can you tell me what's happening?" Davina asked patiently.

Ever since she had received that letter, she hadn't held much hope in her heart for them. Others might assume Narcissa had acted rashly and that they could fix it, but Narcissa Black didn't hurt people she loved on purpose. And Davina was pretty sure she had fallen under that category of people.

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