9- The Hufflepuff Beaters

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"And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree
There will be an answer, let it be"

All year round the Hogwarts grounds were quite the sight to see. Whether they were covered in snow or in patches of daisies, the beautiful school building came complete with beautiful school grounds. It's vastness never seen as a problem unless one had to walk multiple places across it.

Andromeda had come to the solution that she needed to learn how to fly—without getting on a broom—to venture around outside without growing tired, which was the very problem she had been facing now. She trekked out to see the ending of Henri's quidditch practice, only because Henri said she would visit the greenhouses with her if she went.

Professor Sprout had given each student a plant to look after and Andromeda had managed to convince herself she would fail the project. Even if herbology wasn't an area she struggled, it was like when she panicked over something her brain completely lost control.

As Henri joined her for the walk to the greenhouses, Andy realised that her friend probably would've went to the greenhouses with her if she hadn't shown up to the quidditch practice—which was completely unnecessary because the quidditch season was over—but it didn't really matter much in hindsight. Henri worried too much over Andromeda. She could tell by the way her friend looked at her.

The walk wasn't as bad as Henri made it seem—with all of her complaining you'd think they were hiking the Himalayan's—yet when they reached the greenhouses, instead of being eager to check on her project, Andromeda stood frozen at the door.

"Are you gonna go in or are we standing out here all night?" Henri asked, raising her eyebrows at Andromeda, who stared through the windows of the greenhouse. "I'm game for either, camping outside the greenhouses has always sounded like a brilliant idea to me."

"Shut up, Henri, they'll hear you," Andy said quietly.

In response to her comment, Henri turned to look at who Andromeda was referring to and saw Jack and Ted arguing over something. She smiled and looked back at Andie.

"I love those two! They're completely harmless," Henri said, earning a look from Andromeda that made a light bulb go off in her head. "Oh my Merlin! You know them!"

"I'm not a complete idiot. I know how to talk to people," she remarked, which made Henri grin more.

"My baby is finally growing up!" Henri pinched Meda's cheeks. "You're making friends all by yourself!"

"I wouldn't call them friends-"

"Nonsense! Let's go talk to your new friends!" Henri smirked and pushed the door open, tugging Andromeda along with her.

Making such a startling entrance might've not been the best move seeing as Jack was startled enough to accidentally knock over a potted plant behind him. Ted laughed at his misfortune and turned his attention to Henri and Andromeda.

"Moreau!" Jack exclaimed, picking up the pieces of the broken pot. "Sprout is gonna kill me now!"

"It's not my fault you're jumpy," Henri said, laughing lightly when Jack threw dirt at her.

Noticing that Ted was looking at her oddly, Andromeda raised an eyebrow at him, making him clear his throat.

"I didn't know you two were friends," Ted gestured between her and Henri as the latter became engaged in a conversation with Jack.

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