42- The Legend of James Potter

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"Got so much to lose
Got so much to prove"

Sometimes the hardest thing to cope with is that things happen, and there's really no way to stop it or go back and change it. Conversations won't go the way you want them to, people will become flaky, and relationships will fall apart. It may be possible to change things as they happen, but once it takes place, then what's done is done.

Rain will fall, water will freeze, and time will continue. It's all inevitable, but it can still hurt. Hearts will break, tears will be shed, and one may feel like they're falling apart. It will happen, and that's okay. You just have to figure out how to get through it.

Andromeda doesn't have the greatest track record of coping with her own problems. How could she be when she wasn't given a chance as a child to build emotional intelligence? However, what Andy considered a miracle was her ability to comfort people, which she acquired from having to take a motherly role towards Narcissa.

Andromeda really was grateful for her comforting skills, as she thought they made her a better friend overall. With that being said, an afternoon spent in her childhood bedroom quickly turned into an overnight at Henri's because of a letter.

Dear Andy,

Could you come over soon? I'm not sure when you'll get this letter, but we don't live too far apart so I hope that it'll be relatively quickly. Ben and I broke up, need me and you time.


It was short, but it certainly wasn't sweet. Saying a brief goodbye to Narcissa, she grabbed a few items of clothing—she wasn't entirely sure how long she'd be over there for—and exited the door without a second thought.

She was met at Henri's front door by a scene she didn't see too often. Henri had opened the door, showing a visibly distressed version of herself. As if it were an instinct, Andy immediately gave hugs, made tea, and prepared to listen after they got comfortable in Henri's bed.

They had had a date to a local flower festival, right on the outside of Ben's town. Henri smiled as she recalled what she had been wearing, how Ben had complimented her eyes, and what flowers had smelled the best. Andromeda was led to believe the date went off without a hitch until Henri told her about how she met Ben's family.

Henri started by talking about Ben's older sister, who apparently had been the head girl a few years back. She was nice, so there was nothing to really report back. His parents though, had grilled Henri about every area of her life. Of course, getting to know a significant other of your son would be stressful and difficult for some people—Henri understood that—but she didn't quite get how asking extensive questions about her father was appropriate. Henri said she would've gotten over this, however, Ben didn't say a thing while his parents went on their question asking spree.

Andromeda understood all too well what it was like to not go against your family. She got it okay, and she knew it was difficult and wasn't able to happen sometimes. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to care in that moment what Ben's relationship with his parents was, all she cared about were Henri's feelings.

Henri continued, explaining how when she brought this up to Ben later, he brushed it off. He told her that they weren't always going to be like that, and that they just wanted to get to know her. She said it was like he didn't even care her feelings were hurt.

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