5- The Coolest Cousins

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"Everybody in this party feels so fake
I really wish I could say it to your face"

"Everybody in this party feels so fake I really wish I could say it to your face"

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Andromeda hated almost everything about going home for the holidays. At home, she wasn't able to pretend she didn't have a mother that hated her or a father that neglected to spend even a few minutes in the same room with her. She could pretend her mother actually loved her a great deal while at Hogwarts, but as she stepped into the house to see her mother's scowl, months of playing pretend didn't matter.

They spent the holidays as they always had, in their rooms by themselves. Andromeda only interacted with Narcissa unless it was dinner. During dinner, they were expected to sit at a table lit by candles and engage in conversation with their parents. She usually tried to stay as quiet as possible, when you didn't speak, you couldn't say anything wrong.

On Boxing Day, they hosted the annual pureblood dinner party. Andromeda's family had done so ever since she could remember, and this year had been no different. She appeased her mother by getting in an unnecessarily tight dress,  straightening her hair, and helped by getting Narcissa get ready too.

Andromeda found herself standing next to Sirius and Regulus nearly halfway into the event. In her opinion, which could not be wrong in this case, they were her coolest cousins. They were the only other relatives she had that she had an inkling of respect for, and she had a suspicion they might share her views.

Sirius yawned obnoxiously as Druella tapped a spoon against her glass at the front of the room. Andromeda laughed quietly before elbowing Sirius just as Bellatrix cleared her throat to speak next to Rodolphus Lestrange.

"Rodolphus and I would like to take the time here today to announce our engagement!" Bellatrix held up her left hand, and there sat a ring.

Narcissa was the first to rush over to congratulate her, but Andromeda stayed in her place, unmoving. Suddenly, it all made sense. That day in the library when Bellatrix had hinted she knew more about courting than they originally thought. Andromeda would catch up with her sister later, there was no way that she would make it gracefully through the crowd.

Regulus tapped on her shoulder with a curious expression, drawing her attention from the people crowding around Bellatrix and Rodolphus to him and Sirius.

"Bella hasn't even graduated yet, Meda," Regulus said, tilting his head to the side in confusion, something Andromeda had heard his parents were trying to stop him from doing so often.

"Yeah, why is she getting married already?" Sirius chimed in.

Andromeda truly didn't have an answer for them. However, she didn't want them to think any less of her, so she quickly diverted their attention.

"She must really love Rodolphus," Andromeda said, while Regulus nodded in agreement, Sirius saw through her. "Why don't you two get some pudding?"

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