47- Sickeningly Sweet

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"After everything I must confess, I need you"

Andromeda had pondered the meaning of life since her very beginnings, and just recently had she stumbled across the answer. She supposed it could be different for everyone, but for Andy, she reckoned that the reason she was here was to love. She wished to spread love high and low, left and right, as far as she could go.

She loved loving her people especially. Henri, Jack, and Ted. They had secured a special place in her heart a while ago, and yet, she couldn't help but feel like it had been solidified just this year.

However much she loved loving was outshined by her lack of sleep that morning. The very night before she had kissed Ted for the first time ever—yay!—and her heart had palpitated all night from excitement that she just couldn't fall asleep. It was coming back to bite her though when she had to wake up the next morning to supervise her cousin's detention.

With a yawn, that was quickly followed by a grin because she stupidly just couldn't get it off her face, she let her cousin and his friends into McGonagall's classroom. They took seats in the front row as Andy grabbed the parchment for them to write their lines on.

"Why're you smiling like that, Meda?" Sirius asked curiously.

She really couldn't blame him for asking because she realized she probably never smiled at the family events they usually saw each other at. Even still, she didn't really want to tell her younger cousin about kissing one of her best friends, so she was glad when James Potter took the liberty of answering for her.

"She's happy, Sirius!" James said with a grin of his own.

He looked like an extremely happy kid, one of the most joyful people Andy had ever come across really. He was full of energy too with his legs bouncing when he wasn't shifting around in his seat. Quite seriously, Andromeda decided right there, that Saturday morning, that James Potter was worth protecting.

For the next few hours, they make light conversation while the boys write their lines and Andy tried to do her homework. It doesn't get completed because of how amused she is by the four boys in front of her—they've only been in Hogwarts for a few months but they've bonded unexplainably well already.

"My mum says that as long as you learn something along the way, a little prank never hurt anyone," James stated proudly.

Andromeda laughed under her breath, watching as Sirius appeared astounded by James's mother.

"Yeah, well, look where that landed us," Remus pointed out, still writing his lines whereas James and Sirius had given up a half hour ago.

"In detention with my super cool cousin," Sirius replied, tipping his chair back onto its heels.

Peter nodded vigorously in agreement. Andromeda wanted to feel flattered, but she couldn't tell if they were saying things just to get on her good side, or if they had actually meant that.

"Yeah this isn't so bad-"

James cut himself off with a gasp as Henri walked in, clad in her quidditch gear from practice. The Gryffindor team had actually been scrimmaging the Hufflepuff team, so hopefully, Jack and Ted weren't too far behind.

"Hi, Henri! How was quidditch?" James asked excitedly.

The three other boys immediately start to giggle at James's behavior. It was clear that James is a fan of Henri's, and it didn't make it any better when Sirius whispered that he has a crush on the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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