Chapter 19 {Point taken.}

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As I put the letter inside my pocket, I walked downstairs to see if Adam is up and heard him talking to someone, as I walked down, he sounded like he was ending his conversation with someone.

"-Don't tell her, okay?" I heard Kurt tell Adam as I walked down.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Tell who what?" I asked about what they were talking about. They looked at me like I came out of nowhere and laughed awkwardly.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Oh! I was just telling Adam some things." He told me and I looked at him concerned.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Really? About what?" I asked him and he just stood there not budging.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Nothing, okay?" Kurt told me, sounding a little annoyed.

"He was just stating some things, nothing too serious." Adam told me and I looked confused.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Okay, sorry I asked." I told him, facing Adam now. "Hey, this doesn't have anything to do with crisis issues but a letter flew on my balcony and it has 6 letters inside, it looked like a death note." I told him and he looked at me concerned.

"Where is it?" He asked me and I got it out of my pocket to show him.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Here." I showed him the note and he looked at it and opened it.

"Tell me why you're not dead?" Adam read the note and studied it carefully. 

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) I don't know what's happening, guys! I'm freaking out about it!" I told them and Adam looked at me.

"Ok look, maybe it's just some prank someone's pulling, it's probably those punk kids who are up to this." He told me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "We have those rotten, annoying kids in our neighborhood and they're ALWAYS up to something, so maybe it's them." He told me.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) It CAN'T be THEM! I don't know them but THAT doesn't SOUND ANYTHING like a rotten kid!" I told him, freaking out, and he grabbed a water from the fridge and gave it to me.

"You just need to calm down for a few minutes, you're getting too worried and worked up." He told me and I sighed. I set my back on the couch and drank my water to cool off. "Good girl. I'm gonna get the blood pint for you to drink too. How are you feeling ever since? Gained any memories yet?" He asked me, heading towards the fridge.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) I'm doing a little better and no, I don't remember anything." I told him, drinking my water.

"It takes time for amnesia to heal, it could even take months but that shouldn't happen because you bumped your head from the top, it's nothing too serious. If you only got hit by a person who attacked you temporarily, it could last a few weeks or so. Do you remember anything about something?" He told me about amnesia as he walked over to me and asked me if I remembered anything.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) No, like I said, nothing yet. Speaking of which, today was horrible in Math." I started off.

"What happened?"

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Our teacher, Mr Burton, wouldn't go easy on me for the test that's coming up and I'm gonna fail because of it! And worse, it could blow my chances to go to college!" I told him, groaning at the fact and sighed in frustration.

"That really doesn't sound fair of him." He said to me and I nodded in agreement.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Right!? I DESERVE to know the answers if I don't remember them! I don't care what it takes, I just want the damn answers to get into college!" I told him and turned on the tv.

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