Chapter 31 (Let's not get too feisty)

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Later on

Bekah's pov:Everything became quiet as we started to walk out through the forest with Dean and Sam, I noticed that Sam was staring at Kurt and I for some reason.

"So how long have you two been in each other's bodies?" He asked us and Kurt and I looked at each other wondering what we should say to him.

"For a long while. After she lost her memory."

"Yeah, it's not very pretty, and I know it must be VERY confusing for you two."

"I guess we can get used to it but it's just weird how he's in your body and you're in his body but you both have the same voices inside it seems."

"Yeah, I can't really tell which girl is who." Dean said joking and I heard Kurt growling under his breath.

"Yeah I know I have a feminine voice buddy! Don't fucking rub it in!"

"So you're NOT a girl?"

"So far no."

"Weird. I thought you were."

"Alright, that's it!" Kurt said running up towards him but I tugged on his waist trying to hold him back.

"Let's not get too feisty boys! No one meant anything by it okay?! Let's just be nice!"

"Yeah, no one is hurting no one! We're here for a purpose and one thing only and it's not to fight!" Sam said trying to push Dean back. Kurt remembered his blood and threw it over his shoulder. 

"Come on, let's go." He said murmuring softly and purposely bumping Dean by his shoulder.  "Sorry."

Dean ran over beside Kurt and tried to talk to him gently about the whole thing that happened and stayed beside him the whole walk, he was trying to calm Kurt down which successfully worked it seemed. I stayed beside Sam which I happily obliged.

"Geez, your brother can be a bastard sometimes."

"Don't worry, he's like that with me sometimes." He told me giggling and I didn't look surprised.

"I'm not surprised. So how long have you and Dean been here?" I asked him changing the subject.

"3 years or so. We actually came here because of Bane first and foremost and we came here because we were old enough to live on our own."

"And how has that gone so far?" I asked already knowing the answer.


"Aww I'm sorry."

"Well we're getting there y'know?" He responded back with a faint smile.

"Very slowly." I finished for him and he laughed.

I glanced over at Kurt and Dean and saw that they were getting along very well and could see in Kurt's eyes that he liked him, LIKES him like him. I looked over at Sam and honestly to tell the truth, I think I was starting to like him despite the fact that I was with Tommy but he and I weren't dating, we're just friends with benefits. Right?

"So I'm not sure if anyone has said this and it's probably me on my hormones but has anyone told you that you were cute?" I asked him and he looked at me not surprised.

"You wouldn't be the first. Why?"

"Well just think of it as a compliment in a friend way. Besides I already got a guy on my hands to worry about." I told him and he hummed.

"Really? What's he like?"

"Oh boy. Complicated." I told him simply putting my hand on my head and sighed.

"I'm guessing not so good."

"Yeah, it's pretty awful."

"Well, where is he? Maybe I can meet him someday." He asked interested.

"Out with my dad. He's being his little sidekick while they get everything they need for his potion." I told him and Kurt turned his head to look at us.

"I wonder how they're doing."

"I know, me too."

With Adam and Tommy.

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