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HALLO EVERYONE! I have another A/N for you guys and its about the series. I'm thinking later on in the story I'm adding someone new to the story, I WAS thinking of putting Nick and Evan in as supporting characters but now I might put them as minor characters until future chapters and/or until I think of something new but who knows???


I WILL be adding someone but they won't come in until probably the next book of LMLAAL or after Bekah gets her memory back.


And also too, there's gonna be a story between said character and Bekah and the story behind the character himself so I hope you guys look forward to that as well!


I'm planning for a lot of new stuff to happen in the series because I feel like this book was kinda meh in some chapters like they were too cringey or they were just too slow and didn't make ANY sense or progress but I hope that when I make the next book, it won't have that same problem.


I'll let you guys know when I have it done and if it'll be in this book or the next one but until then, bye guys!


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