Chapter 11 {That fucker.}

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Bekah gasped at his comment and he left a smirk on his face as he checked out his new body and she started to growl.

"You motherfucker!" She exclaimed tackling him to the floor, resulting in Adam and Tommy to come between them to pulled them away and Adam stepped in front.

"Y'all! There's no need to fight!"

"He criticized my ass!" She said offended and Kurt left a smirk on his face and a satisfied scoff. "He was making fun of my ass!"

"At least I got an ass on my self, boo." That was the last straw for Bekah and she stared to kick and hit him. Adam pulled her to him and shielded her with his body and heavily sighed in exhaustion. "Since when did this become real housewives?"

"He started it, since he's the fashion critic here! What next? You gonna look through my clothes and underwear too?" I asked him giving him a blank face and he got an idea and ran upstairs, I gasped in disbelief and followed. "Where do you think you're going, you fucker!?" I asked him, following him, and he searched through my clothing and such. "What do you honestly think you're doing, you pervert!?" I asked him pissed off and he scoffed and didn't bother looking at me. "Um, HELLO!? Ain't I visible?!" I asked him, waving my arms trying to get his attention but he didn't look at me. He rummaged through my clothing and saw a few lacy outfits and oohed as he saw them.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Ain't someone a little hoe for her man?" He asked me, showing the lacy dress and smirked. "Well, don't mind if I do!" He exclaimed going in my bathroom and I gasped and banged on the door.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) HEY! That's my clothing, you fucker! Let me in!" I told him trying to get in but he locked it and hummed loudly as he tried it on. I groaned in anger as he tried it on and sighed. "That fucker." I said to myself, lighting hitting the door and heard him wolf whistle inside the bathroom.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) WELL! Ain't this revealing ALL FUCKING OVER!" I heard him exclaimed and groaned. "I need shoes, shoes, shoes. Where can I find some shoes to match this?" I heard him ask himself and gasped and blocked the closet door as he walked out, he saw me blocking the way and I just started at him in the outfit. "What? Are you staring at my newly found body?" He asked me giving me a seductive smile and pose and I gasped lightly and shook my head lightly in disbelief.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) I never knew how big my boobs look in that. Strangely, I'm turned on by myself." I told him looking at him up and down and saw him smiling at me, he must enjoy my pain of not having me in my original body.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Honey, don't you mean MY boobs now." He corrected me and I gasped and smacked him.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) That's still MY original body and I'm in YOUR original body, so technically, that's still MY body you're in, hon." I told him and he smirked.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Well, we may never knew if this is gonna last or so, I mean, this could be an expierence for us, you know, to explore each other's bodies. Oh, I cannot WAIT to see you suffor in that body you're in." He told me critically and I had my mouth in awe and scoffed.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Well now, someone woke up on the wrong side of their bed this morning. Where is this attitude coming from, honey? Cause it did NOT just come OUT of that trash you call a mouth." I told him smirking and crossed my arms and saw him gasped at me and growled.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Where is THAT mouth coming from? You have a mouth like trash and you're accusing that to ME? That's not right, that's just rude." He told me and I gasped and crossed my arms and he did the same thing as me.

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