Chapter 28 (I don't feel very safe here)

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The place Bekah and Kurt were searching for had been found & they went inside the location which was the forest where vampires such as Kurt go in to get their food from. Kurt had to get some blood for his appetite being a vampire and he dragged Bekah with him. But Bekah wasn't expecting this to be fucking creepy and spooky! She thought he was gonna do like a drug deal for the blood with someone he knew of the other realm but she guessed he likes his blood fresh & new. She STILL doesn't want to understand why vampires need blood to fill their hunger, I mean, they're vampires, but can't they eat something else besides the liquid that makes their body works!?

"Okay we won't be in here very long, I just have to get 3-4 containers of blood and then go and suck the remains of the animals and we'll be done." Kurt told her as they walked further into the forest.

"Do a lot of animals come by here?"

"Some do and some don't. But humans walk by here from school or work as well so we may find some." He said, the way he said that was so nonchalant, she thought. "Don't worry, we'll be fine here. You're with me so if anything comes your way, I'll protect you. I promise." He told her, walking towards the tree in front of them and jumping onto one of the branches, surprising her. It didn't really help her anxiety though, she still felt nervous.

"I still don't feel very safe here in the forest. Are you sure we should even be here?"

"Trust me, I've come here MULTIPLE times before, nothing bad happens!" Kurt told her, jumping on the animal that was on the ground. She tried to keep her space away from Kurt and have his personal space be left alone as he got the blood from the dead animals that were spread on the floor due to him jumping on them & holding them so they wouldn't run away from him from earlier, there was already AT LEAST 5 dead animals around them, which made Bekah feel a little queasy inside her stomach, even though she lost her memory, it doesn't mean her sense of smell or reaction doesn't change... Okay, it does, I suppose, but that same sense of smell is still the same as blood!

She kept glancing at Kurt back & forth at different times, who was happily drinking the blood out of the animals that he encountered and killed, and saw that whenever he got done sucking the blood, he would drain out the remains into the containers one by one, the same can go for the animals, and she tried not to puke at the smell so she held her nose tightly and walked away a bit from the scenery enough for her to breath the musky air in the forest besides the blood,

After minutes of waiting for Kurt to finish, she was so focused on not trying to smell the blood from the animals that she didn't even hear the sound of the container lids closing and the zipper on the bag opening and closing and the footsteps of Kurt's walking, "Hey," she jumped at the sudden greeting and realized Kurt was already done,

"Don't do that, you bastard!" She held her heart and then slapped him.

"Sorry," He laughed at her reaction, "I just got done with the blood fill."

"Fucking finally! Can we PLEASE leave now?!" She begged for them to go and he nodded, starting to walk out the forest,

"Yep! I'm ready to-" They suddenly stopped as they heard the rustles of the leafs and some branches breaking echoing around the forest from above, "what was that?"

"I don't know," Bekah quivered as she heard the noise as well, "but I'm getting out of here with my life!" She ran away.

"Hey, over here!" The two teens heard a male voice and they were both terrified,

"Yeah, let's run!" Kurt ran as well.

It seems as if there was another person with him. "They're fleeing!!"

"Continue to follow them!" The leader said to the other person running beside him. Kurt & Bekah did NOT like the sound of what they were yelling,

"Kurt, where's the fucking exit in this forest!?" Bekah asked him, now getting anxious,

"I don't know! I'm trying to find it!"

"Can you hurry!? I don't want to be killed by whoever is in here!"

"We're NOT gonna get killed as long as we stay calm!" Kurt said trying to stay calm and finding the exit out but couldn't find anything and were stopped by the same tree that they approached before. The two men found them and stopped them in their tracks.

"What do you want from us?!" Bekah asked them and the taller man walked up to them slowly.

"Moron, this isn't even him!" The light brown boy exclaimed to his partner.

"Damn it!" The dark brown boy cursed under his breath as he noticed the two and they were not the person that they were looking for, "Well, what do we do with them now?" The older boy had his arms crossed and walked up to them with a stern look of concern.

"Well, question them and see if they know anything." 

"Alright alright." The older boy groaned and bent to the two teens' level.

"What!? Know what!?" Bekah asked scared.

"Yeah Dean, I don't think they know anything. I'm not detected anything off or unusual." The boy got up, leaving Kurt and Bekah confused.

"Know what?! I'm trying to progress what's going on here!"

"We're looking for somebody, are you his minions?" The light haired asked.

"Yeah, NOW we do," Kurt sarcastically remarked, twisting his head to his left and lifting it up,

"Aww, did we make someone grumpy?" The light brown haired mocked him and Kurt growled in response at his comment.

"Yeah and keep messing with the cats tail and you'll have a mark on your neck." Kurt instantly became snarky.

"Oh, where are our manners?" The boy exclaimed. "We didn't even say what our names were! So, my name is Sam."

"Name's Dean." Sam and Dean introduced each other. Bekah smiled at them warmly while Kurt had no emotion whatsoever.

"Sam and Dean, I'm Rebekah." Bekah introduced herself and nudged Kurt.

"Kurt." He said coldly, still a little frustrated. Bekah sighed at his attitude and looked at them upset.

"I'm sorry about him, he's just a little grumpy since he hadn't had his treat yet," Bekah said, grabbed Kurt's arm and held it beside her tightly and he glanced at her offended with the same cold stare.

"Its okay. I know how vampires get whenever they don't get their food." Dean said, causing Kurt to become even more mad.

"Its not like its the first fucking time!" Kurt snapped but then sighed. "Look, I'm sorry but I just want to get home and drink my blood."

"Why can't you just do it here?" Bekah asked,

"Because I don't like an audience to watch."

"So what were you guys in here for?" Bekah turned to the duo.

"Well, we were actually searching for somebody but Dean here decided to step on a twig and now we lost him." Sam explained disappointed.

"Not my fault the place is crowded with twigs."

"May I ask who you were chasing after and why?" Kurt spoke up curious.

"Well, do you guys know a guy named Bane?" All the frustration inside Kurt disappeared after he heard the name,

"BANE!? AS IN BLOOD-BANE!?" Kurt shrieked at the sight of the name.

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