Chapter 30 (I'm a vampire, right?)

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Bekah's pov:Nick and Evan continued their story by saying that they fell for Bane's tricks after they got what he needed and bit them in the necks and they turned into vampires the next day.

"It was a potion for something, I'm trying to remember, do you remember bud?" Nick scratched his head in confusion and glanced at Evan.

"Jeez dude, I don't remember, it's been forever since then."

"It hasn't been THAT long! It's just been like what, 15 years since?"

"Do you honestly think I'd remember something from 15 years ago!? I'm not smart on the years, buddy and I really don't keep good track of our memories from high school."

Kurt was groaning at their pitiful argument, already pissed off that his blood is getting cold & dry and wanted to go home to drink it.

"Bane wanted a strength potion. He wanted the potion to be strong and powerful enough next time he goes into some battle so no one can beat him easily. The rarest blood is one of the powerful blood in any creature vampires could get their hands on and its used for potions like that one as a strong secret ingredient." Kurt explained to us and the two French-Canadians blushed crimson red.


"Oh yeah, we knew that." Nick exclaimed and Kurt crossed his arms at their pitiful statement not believing them one bit.

I however was the only one who didn't know that and looked at him in surprise.

"How in the living hell do you know about that sort of thing?"

"Well, I'm a vampire, right? I need to use it for emergencies so I've used that MANY times before and during battles. Not to mention it works really well." He stated and I looked intrigued.

"He's right." Nick exclaimed raising his hand. "The blood is one of the most powerful of them all and every vampire that hunts for battle. They'll go on the hunt for that but its not always so easy to get, you have to go deep in the woods in the other realm in order to get it." He explained and I immediately thought of something. Kurt noticed my reaction and was curious about what I was thinking.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked me and I only glanced a look at Kurt only.

"Can I ask what it also does? What kind of potions can the blood be used for?"

"Well, it can be used for a speed potion, strength potion, healing potion, memory recover po-" Kurt immediately stopped as soon as he said memory recover and looked at me.

"That's why Adam went to the other realm!" I figured out and he nodded.

"What is going on here and why do you need a memory recover potion?" Evan asked.

"Long story short. Bekah lost her memory by something that attacked her. So her friends, boyfriend, father and I have been doing everything we could for her to get her memory back. We went to a café just a few hours ago and Adam, her father, said that he figured out the entire potion for her to get her memory back because the first time he tried to make a potion for her memory but somehow our souls transferred into each other's bodies and he's trying to get us out of THAT situation but right now the main focus is on Bekah. So, he went out to the other realm for the night since its a long journey to go there and he needs to find the ingredient which is the blood that is needed for the potion and HOPEFULLY it works." Kurt finally finished.

Nick & Evan just stood there with their eyebrows lifted up and looked at each other in confusion.

"That explains why their voices and body type is different." Evan pointed out.

"Sooo, why are you here in THIS forest then?" Nick asked pointing at the forest ground.

"We're here because I'm thirsty as fuck for blood and we also need some for Bekah because after the attack, venom was inside her so her boyfriend had to suck it up and she's now a fledgling. Also, the blood helps her memory so 2 reasons why we're here." Kurt explained showing them the bag of blood and throwing it behind his shoulder.

"I know it seems like its confusing. And trust me, it is but that's just how life is for us I guess,"

"Hmm, well okay then, interesting lifestyle."

"Its not the first time we've heard someone say that."

(Okay, time to say something. I know I changed how I wrote things for a while and I really didn't like that and I didn't like how it changed things for you guys so expectedly and that's also why I've been doing the A/N so you can know what's going on. That's all so I'll see you guys then!)

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