Chapter 24 (Therapy)

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Bekah's POV:Tommy lead us to the couch and sat beside each other and watched Kurt and Adam talk from the kitchen. They were talking about Kurt and his deal with some guy named Bane, sounds like it's very hard to deal with. As they talked, I had so much on my mind that I wanted to ask everyone, not because of what was happening with Kurt but what's happened to me - Like, how did I lose my memory and how did I end up like this? Did I run away like a stupid person and suddenly lost my mind or was it worse?

All I'd remember was being attacked and blacked out from it because of how hard the hit was, I hope it didn't damage anything too serious or else that would be a problem I probably won't be getting back.

I hesitated to ask everyone what I wanted to ask and just kept quiet, Tommy noticed my act and looked at me in the eyes.

"You okay, Beck?" Tommy asked me as I looked down and sighed.

"(Bekah) I guess not. I have so much to ask everyone about how this happened to me but...I'm afraid you guys'll be upset and worried and depressed and - who knows what you'll be?" I told him feeling depressed myself and kept my head down. "I guess I'm just thinking too much and it's getting to me." I told him as I placed my elbow on my knee and pressed onto my palm with my chin and sighed in despair.

"Hey," Tommy cooed and lifted my head up to face him. "There's nothing wrong with feeling like that, you're just scared and worried about what's gonna happen." He told me as I faced him. "This is why we're all here for you, to help you with whatever's bothering you and let you know that we're here to save the day." Tommy stated and laughed, I let out a small giggle and smiled. He responded to my smile and let one out himself. "That's what I'M here for." He told me and planted his lips onto mine, I gladly let him do so and responded back to his actions.

He gently pulled back from me and smiled with love, he leaned his forehead onto mine and I placed mine along with his. "You know I'll always love you and support you through anything." He told me and I smiled.

"(Bekah) I know, babe. Thank you so much." I gracefully thanked him and kissed him one last time, passionately kissing him and enjoying the moments we're spending together.

As Tommy and I kissed, we heard the door ring and knew the pizza was here. Adam ran by us so quick, he didn't even seeing us. He got the door and paid the person for the pizza.

"Thank you. Here's the money." Adam said as he held the pizza with one hand and handed the money with the other, the man gladly took the money and left. Adam closed the door with his foot and set the pizza on the counter. "PIZZA'S HERE!" Adam playfully yelled as he set the pizza and opened it, the horrible aroma from the pizza got out and I swear I was about to puke when it went up my nose.

"(Bekah) Oh dear god, what is IN that pizza, guys?!" I asked them in disgust and glared at them.

"What? It's just pizza, only for the immortal." Adam stated and I groaned at his comment.

"(Bekah) Well, it's a good thing I'm not immortal then!" I yelled and scoffed.

"(Kurt) Beck, you're a vampire fledgling. I think that comment is a bit exaggerating." Kurt told me.

"(Bekah) I don't care what's exaggerating! That's still disgusting EVEN if I'm a vampire!" I told Kurt as I held my nose. "And by the way, does it still count as Cannibalism if the 'cheese' isn't normal cheese?" I asked Kurt and Adam and they glanced at me like I was crazy.

"Are you insane?! We don't eat the human skin! We're not THOSE vampires!" Adam said to me.

"(Kurt) And besides, we're Pure-Bloods. Hence the name." Kurt said to me as he took another bite of his pizza.

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