Chapter 10 {Is this the potion?}

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"Anyway, it's all over. Let's just focus on Bekah's memory." He told us and I sighed.

"I don't think I'm gonna be able to remember a thing, I don't even know who my mom is, I don't know how old I am, I don't know the school I go to, I don't know anything!" I told him looking down and felt him wrap his arms around me as I started to cry. "I can't remember anything!" I told him crying and he sighed in disappointment.

"I know, Beck. But we're gonna make you remember everything once again."

"How?! I don't even know who I am or what I do or what!" I told him crying and he kissed my head and rubbed my back.

"Calm down, Beck. Everything's gonna be ok." He told me and I sniffed as I cried and sighed silently. "I've been working on something to try and cure your memory loss but it's not quite done yet." He told me and I looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked him and he sighed.

"It's a potion to help you try to remember some of the stuff you need to remember." He told me and I sighed.

"Really? Do you think it'll help?"

"It helped Tommy and I when we forgot something." He told me and I sighed.

"Well, if it helps then ok, I'll give it a try." I told him and he smiled.

"Great!" He exclaimed excited and kissed my head. "I'm gonna try and work on it, after I've done a little bit of it, I'll let you give it a taste." He told me and I smiled and nodded.

"Ok! Thanks!" I thanked him and he smiled and went to his lab. I looked at Tommy and Kurt and sighed. "I honestly don't think it's gonna work, just between us." I told them sighing.

"Don't worry, Bekah. Adam is great at working on stuff like that, it'll be fine to help your memory get back." Tommy told me and I sighed.

"What happens if I don't get my memory back, ever?" I asked sighing and sat on the couch, resting my head on the palm of my hands. Tommy walked over to me and rubbed my back.

"Beck, you're gonna get your memory back, it's just gonna take a while." Tommy told me and I sighed.

"But I've heard stories that people who've lost their memory and haven't gained it back." I told him looking down, worried and scared.

"That's only if they hit their head hard and cracked it open. You just got hit on the head and blacked out, it didn't crack or anything, blood came out but that's it."

"Then how long is that gonna take to get my memory back?" I asked them.

"It usually takes a while but you'll gain it back, I promise." Tommy promised and kissed my head and had me in his arms. After a while, Adam came back with a potion curled up in his hand and walked over to me.

"Is this the potion?" I asked him as I grabbed it and he nodded.

"Yes. It's not done yet but I want to see if you can remember anything a little, if you do, then that means it's working. Just don't drink a lot of it though." He told me going to the kitchen to get a water as I drinked the potion. It had a little kick boost to it, I didn't drink a whole lot like he told me and licked my lips as I swallowed it.

"How is it?" Adam asked from the kitchen and I looked at him.

"It has a-"

"Kick boost" Kurt started talking and slowly stopped as he heard his voice. "Um, what just happened?" He asked looking at himself and I and gasped and screamed. "WHY AM I LOOKING AT MYSELF!?" He screamed in terror and looked at Adam. "Adam, what happened to me?"

"WHY AM I LOOKING AT MYSELF!? WHAT IS IN THAT POTION, ADAM!?" I asked him pissed off and he played with his fingers and cleared his throat.

"WEEELLL, as I was working on the potion, I accidenatly dropped something inside the potion and now it's a body switching potion." He told us and we jumped in anger and growled.

"ADAM!!" We exclaimed, obviously upset.

"I'm sorry!! I forgot to close the lid on the other potion!" He told us and I growled.

"Oh, I'll close your lid for switching our bodies!" I-Kurt-whoever I was told him as I charged at him and felt Kurt-Bekah-whoever he was holding onto me.

"Listen, I'm pissed off too, Kurt-Beck-whoever you are, but we can't kill Adam, even though I wish we could." He said glancing over at Adam.  "But we need him in order to fix us, if he ain't stupid enough t not to mess it up." I-Kurt-whoever he/she was told me and I sighed in anger.

"I guess you're right but the good thing is, I GOT A GIRL'S BODY and I GOT SEXY FEATURES TO GO ALONG WITH IT!" He/She yelped in excitement as he/she enjoyed being in the soul of my body. God, that sounds dirty.

"Don't you dare even think about touching those! They are off limits, mister!" I told him as he smiled at me in a flirtatious way. "Only I and Tommy are allowed to play with those and the body you're in!" I yelled at him and he laughed.

"I'm just kidding, Beck! I would never do that!......or would I?" He told me giving me an evil look and I stomped my foot.

"You are a SICK, YOU TWISTED BOY!" I said getting angry and he started touching the body he's in. "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF MY BODY!! THAT'S HARASSMENT!!" I yelled at him.

"How can it be harassment? You're in my body!"

"I-I-I don't know! But it is in some weird way!" I yelled at him confused and he laughed and looked in the mirror to check out his new but temporally body.

"You got the boobs for the body but your rear end is not the biggest." He told me giving me the criticism and I gasped in anger.

Living my life as a Lambert (Book 3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz