Chapter 12 {It's not ready yet.}

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I ran towards him to attack him but got held back by the guys and stopped as Adam wrapped me tightly around my waist to hold me back and I tried letting go of his grip as so.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Let me go and let me attack that bitch!" I yelled at dad and Kurt laughed evilly as he saw me and smirked.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Well now, ain't this lucky for me? Now that she's locked up, I can do this." Kurt proclaimed as he faced Tommy and kissed him, I stood there and awe and growled as I charged at him.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) YOU'RE DEAD, YOU FUCKER! DEAD!" I yelled at him now pissed off and trying to get off Adam's grip and he laughed at me as I was still being held back by Adam.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Sorry, can't hear you. Kissing someone here." He told me still kissing Tommy but he pulled back from him and stared at him. "What's wrong, Tom?" Kurt asked him and he sighed in response.

"Listen Kurt, I like you but not as a boyfriend or...girlfriend-whatever, in this case. I wouldn't feel right about kissing Beck's friends like that or have sex with them. I'm sorry Kurt, I really am but, I'm done fucking whores who just want the sex." Tommy told Kurt, leaving him speechless and I cheered in happiness as Kurt got rejected and laughed evilly.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Aw! That's such a shame...for you!" I taunted Kurt and laughed evilly as he stood there speechless in depression. He sighed in sadness as Tommy told him and he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Look Kurt, I'm not trying to be a dick here but Bekah's my girl. I know you want to have some fun but really, you don't need to do this." Tommy told him and I kept cheering in the background as Kurt got rejected.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) WOO HOO!" I cheered in happiness and got a look from Tommy. "Oh come on! Let me have this!" I told him and he sighed.

"Do you get it, Kurt?" Tommy asked him and he took a minute to respond but nodded and sighed.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Yeah, I do..." He told Tommy and I silently cheered and danced in joy. Tommy put his hand on his shoulder and looked at him.

"I don't ever mean to hurt you or your feelings but-"

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) It just wasn't meant to happen, I get it." He finished for him and he nodded. Adam sighed at the awkward silence and looked at me.

"Beck, we need to talk about something in my lab." He told me and I gave him a confusing look and shrugged as I followed him down to his lab.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Ok, now since we're down here, what is it?"

"Ok well, I've been trying to figure out a way for you and Kurt to get back to your original selves." He started and I sighed.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Please tell me you figured out a way to get us out of each other's bodies!" I begged him, hoping he would figure out something but heard a deep sigh come out of him.

"Well, I was getting to that. I've been doing some science work for a while and tried some potions to try and get you and Kurt out of each other's bodies." Adam told me and I smiled at his comment.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Great! Where are they? Are they good to use?" I asked him and he nervously played with his fingers.

"'s not ready yet." He told me and I stomped my foot in rage.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) ADAM!!"

"I'm sorry! I'm still in progress with it so it could be a while!" He told me and I had a feared and worried expression on my face. "But look on the bright side, this could be a great thing for you and Kurt." He told me and I stood there in disbelief.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS COULD BE GOOD FOR KURT AND I!? WE'RE STUCK IN EACH OTHER'S BODIES FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG!" I yelled at him pissed off and tapping my foot in rage and anger.

"You can't rush science, Beck! It's too risky, especially for people who are in each other's bodies! Besides, everybody who's lived in the moment where you and Kurt are living at have learned about their friends past, that way, the two will get to know something about each other that they didn't know happened." He told me and I groaned in confusion.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) But we already know about each other's past. I know he had an abusive boyfriend, his dad is suffering through cancer or whatever he's got, his other family members are drunks and smokers and I know he's a vampire. What more should I know?" I told Adam and explained everything to him about Kurt's life.

"There's more to a person's life then what you've heard and seen before, you could really learn new things from their lives and they could really learn something from your life." He told me and I let out a big sigh. "Look, I'm gonna leave the reversal body switching potion alone for a while, that way, you two can learn something from this experience. I'll still work on the potion to help you gain your memory but in the meantime, I'm gonna let you two experience this." Adam told me and I had a disbelief look on my face.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) ADAM NO! What happens if someone tries to talk to us?! What would we do!? Our cover would be blown!" I asked him worried and he sighed and rubbed my shoulders.

"First off, I know you're pissed but I'm doing this for your's and Kurt's sake, I think this'll be really good for you guys. Second, it'll be ok. You two only switched bodies, nothing else. You've still got his voice and he still has yours." He told me smiling and I gave him a confused expression.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) So?"

"When you're out at school or just out doing whatever, get look-alike wigs and no one will know the difference." He told me and I tapped my foot in disbelief.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body)" I asked him, hoping he was just kidding but saw a faint smile on his face and knew he wasn't kidding. "When did my life turn into Freaky Friday?" I asked myself and groaned.

"Look, I know this is gonna be hard-"

"(Bekah in Kurt's body)Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"But this'll be really great for you guys, trust me." He told me and I groaned.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Ok, I guess I'll deal with it for a while. I'll go tell Kurt about our little discussion." I told Adam and he smiled and kissed my head.

"Good girl!" He complimented me and I gave him a blank smile and walked to the main room to talk to Kurt BUT as I got there-

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" I angrily asked Kurt as I saw him on top of Tommy and giving me a taunting smile and wave. 

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Oh hey Bekah! While you were talking to Adam, I decided to take a risk and fuck Tommy! He's quite the fucker, I have to learn some porn tricks he learned from back in the day, wouldn't you say, my dearie?" He asked me giving me a taunting smile as he held Tommy's head to the breasts he had and I tighten my fists and shook in anger and rage. 

"You better get the FUCK OFF OF MY MAN, HUMMEL!" I told Kurt pissed but he laughed and shook his head.

"No!" He responded with a taunting smile and giggled evilly at Tommy, he looked at him and bit his lip. "He's so good, Beck! He made me try to hold back the moans I've been having from his fingers and dick, it was too much for my new body to handle but my body wanted more and more of his hot actions." Kurt told me and I growled deeply and attacked him.

Living my life as a Lambert (Book 3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant