Chapter 1

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Title: The Veela Enigma
Category: Romance
Rating: NC17 for adult language and situations
Summary: What if some of Draco's ancestors, pretending to be pureblood, concealed the truth about their veela heritage? You'd end up with one very confused Draco Malfoy, who's fallen head over heels in love with Harry Potter and has no idea why. A Harry/Draco Romance.


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 1:  The Night Before


Lucius Malfoy sighed and fingered his drink, staring into the fireplace.  It was the night before Draco was returning to Hogwarts, and he was sitting in his favorite armchair in the study at Malfoy Manor, doing some very serious thinking.  He had been doing serious thinking ever since his arrest in June and his subsequent imprisonment in Azkaban for most of the summer.  Luckily for him, being a Malfoy had some advantages, like not staying in prison due to a multitude of personal and political connections.  Unfortunately, however, the Malfoy name was now tarnished, having come to be associated with Death Eaters, Lord Voldemort, Dark Magic and everything that is utterly evil to most good wizards.  

"Ignore them, Draco," was Lucius's advice to his son when his son had bitterly complained about recent public opinion and being blacklisted from all the good Slytherin parties over the summer. 

"But Daddy," Draco had whined, "Why did you have to go off joining You-Know-Who in the first place?  Wasn't it obvious that he's off his rocker?  Yes, he's right evil and powerful and all that, but honestly, Harry sodding Potter has beaten him almost every year for the past five years running.  Doesn't that say something to you?"

Lucius response to his son had been to glare at him and throw back another shot of vodka.  Draco had rolled his eyes and stomped off to complain to his mother about having fancy new dress robes and no place to wear them. 

Ever since his arrest, Lucius had been mulling the whole Voldemort vs. Potter situation over in his head.  He couldn't shake the feeling that maybe Draco was on to something.  Harry Potter did seem to be foiling the Dark Lord at every turn.  Lucius had so far chalked it up to coincidence but maybe there truly was something more.

It was a nagging thought that never really seemed to leave his brain.  Lord Voldemort had been most anxious for Lucius to resume his services, but so far the senior Malfoy had stalled him, claiming he was under suspicion from the Ministry and he needed to keep a clean record until he was back in the public's good graces. He pointed out he was much more valuable to the Dark Lord when he was trusted and respected by the general public, and Lord Voldemort had grudgingly agreed. 

He didn't dare think what would happen if he told the Dark Lord the truth; that he was stalling him because he was really having doubts about which side was going to work for because obviously he wanted to be on the winning side.

Because winning: that was really the big motivating factor for a Malfoy - not necessarily being on the dark side, or the light side, or the right side, or the wrong side.  No, the big motivation was to be on the winning side, and loath as he was to admit it, a tiny little voice in the back of Lucius's mind was beginning to suspect that the winning side might be the one with Dumbledore and Harry Potter on it.

He needed to come to a decision, and soon.  Lucius brooded into the fire, and his mind kept coming back to the same question: Why Harry Potter? What was so special about the boy?  Why was he able to do what no other wizard had ever done, and defy Voldemort again and again? 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐀 𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora