Chapter 20

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Chapter Warnings: A little kink, but it's implied rather than explicit


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 20: Crime and Punishment


The cold, midnight moon shone through piercingly through the windows of Riddle Manor, illuminating the circle of hooded Death Eaters that stood listening to Lord Voldemort speak.

Lucius Malfoy held himself stock still, listening to the Dark Lord's plans, trying to memorize every detail to relay back to Dumbledore. Next to him, his long-time friend and fellow spy Severus Snape also listened closely.

Finally, after what felt like ages, Voldemort dismissed the Death Eaters.

"You may all leave," he said in his cold voice, "Except for Lucius and Snape."

Fear coursed through Lucius' body. Him and Snape? Oh God. Did the Dark Lord know?

"Snape, wait here for a moment. Lucius, come with me into the study."

Lucius took a deep breath as his heart beat a rapid staccato somewhere in his throat. If Voldemort knew…if he suspected…Lucius was as good as dead.

Schooling his features to show no fear, he followed Voldemort down the hall and into the spacious study. Nagini was curled as usual in front of the fire. The Dark Lord turned to face Lucius.

"Remove your hood, Lucius," he said. His tone of voice was unreadable.

Lucius slowly removed his hood, revealing his white-blond hair. Voldemort stared at him for a moment, before reaching out with one hand.

Lucius held his breath as Voldemort picked up one lock of Lucius' long hair and ran his fingers down the length.

The Dark Lord made a soft noise in the back of his throat. "Such hair you have, Lucius. The veela influence comes through most strongly here."

Lucius was rather at a loss for words. He had a nagging feeling that there was something, some memory he ought to have, about the Dark Lord and veela, but it just wasn't there. He remembered telling Voldemort about his heritage, and the Dark Lord receiving the news well before allowing him to go home.

So why was part of Lucius so angry and afraid right now?

"I have a favor to ask of you," the Dark Lord said. "A small thing."

"Anything for you, of course, my Lord. Big or small," Lucius said with a formal bow.

The Dark Lord nearly smiled. "Charming thing, aren't you," he muttered.

Lucius blinked. Did Lord Voldemort just call him charming?

"Thank you, Lucius, but it is a small thing. I need one of your hairs."

"One of my - "

"Hairs, yes. The hair on your head. Just one. I wish to…study it closely. Veela hair has many magical properties, you know."

"I'm hardly a veela, my Lord."

"Humor me, Lucius."

Obediently, Lucius reached up and grasped one of his hairs. Voldemort watched him intently as he pulled the fine, flaxen strand of hair out of his head. Lucius couldn't suppress a wince as he did so; it had always been particularly painful to pull out his hair.

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