Chapter 4

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The Veela Enigma

Chapter 4: Trouble


"Malfoy? Malfoy! Damn it, hold up!" 

Draco stopped and slowly turned around, both elated and terrified to discover Harry Potter currently running after him down the corridor. 

"What, Potter?" he snapped, feigning annoyance.

Harry caught up to him and glared.  "Why have you been avoiding me?"

Draco momentarily considered telling Harry the truth.  "Well, Potter, I've been avoiding you because I'm madly in love with you. I was in denial about it but now I'm just afraid if we spend any time alone together I'm going to jump your bones and ravish you with hours and hours of mad, wild, swinging from the chandeliers, kinky monkey sex."

Hmmm. Perhaps not.

"I haven't been avoiding you," Draco lied unconvincingly.

"Yes, you have, and it has to stop," Harry snapped back. "Look, we have to get this project done for Snape, and we can't do it when you won't talk to me.  So can we please get together? Not that Snape needs it, but I refuse to give him a good reason to fail me."

Draco took a moment to tilt his head back and study the wizard before him.  Same messy hair, same bright green eyes, same you are the biggest git to walk the face of the planet and I can't believe I'm stuck talking to you glare on his face that he normally wore around Draco. And Draco felt the same rush of affection and desire he'd been feeling since the first moment he saw Harry on the Hogwart's Express.

The difference now, of course, was that since his revelation and chat with Hermione the night before he had become a whole lot more comfortable with his feelings for Harry.  So he was madly in love with the Boy-Who-Lived.  So he thought Harry was the hottest thing he'd ever seen.  So he was dying to get in Harry's pants. 

It's not like it was Draco's fault he felt this way. And now he had the opportunity to spend a few moments alone with Harry, and by Merlin he was going to seize them.

"You're right, Potter. You're absolutely right," Draco said easily. "I'm not doing anything at the moment, would you like to work on our project now?"

At Draco's words, Harry froze and stood motionless, stunned. He gaped at Draco in total surprise. His mouth opened and closed a couple times, but no sound came out.

"Something wrong?" Draco quiered, slightly anxious.

Harry shook his head 'no' very firmly. "No, nothing's wrong…" he finally said.

"Then…" Draco trailed off, his raised eyebrows questioning Harry's sudden inability to speak.

Harry cleared his throat and looked sheepish. "It's just…I wasn't expecting you to be so polite," he finally explained, still staring at Draco with enormous wide eyes.

Oh. Draco felt momentary embarrassment that Harry didn't expect him to be polite. He wanted Harry to think highly of him, and he was a bit annoyed that apparently he didn't.

"You don't have to sound so shocked. I can be polite sometimes, you know," Draco said haughtily.

"I know that," Harry replied, running a hand though his hair uncomfortably. "But you're not usually so polite to me."

Another angry retort rose instantly to Draco's lips, but he bit his tongue before he could say anything. Instead, he took another good look at Harry. The Gryffindor was biting his bottom lip and slouching awkwardly, watching Draco warily as if he expected the blonde to turn back into the monster he was used to dealing with any second.

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