Chapter 12

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Chapter Warnings: slash


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 12: Surprise, Lucius!


The next morning, Harry woke up to the sound of Draco swearing.

"Oh, bollocks," the blonde was saying in an annoyed voice, glaring at the alarm cloak on the night stand.  Harry sat up a bit in bed, yawning.

"What's wrong?" he asked sleepily, watching a fuzzy, out-of-focus Draco through half opened eyes.

"We're late, that's what's wrong," Draco said irritably, looking at the clock.  Harry squinted past Draco, but couldn't make out what the clock said.

"We're late?  What time is it?" Harry asked, not feeling particularly concerned about being late himself but trying to be sympathetic to Draco's obvious state of distress.

"It's already 7am! We have class in one hour, we've got to hurry!" Draco said in an agitated voice, throwing the covers off.

Harry just stared at him. "It's only seven?  And you want to get up?  Fuck that.  I'm going back to sleep," he said, rolling over on his side away from Draco and pulling the covers up over his head.

Draco promptly yanked them off back off.

"Draco, what the hell do you think you're doing?  It's freezing!" Harry glared up at the blonde.  "Give me back my covers!"



"No.  We're getting up."

Harry sat up in the bed, reached for his glasses, put them on and resumed glaring at the now in-focus Slytherin.

"Draco, why on earth are we getting up so early?"

"So early!" Draco said, sounding incredulous.  "This isn't early, this is late!  I have to shower, pick out my clothes, do my hair, check my homework over, get some breakfast and - "

"You're a morning person, aren't you?" Harry accused, in the same tone of voice someone might use to say you eat small children, don't you?

"No, I just happen to actually care what I look like," Draco said haughtily. "And you know, Harry, it wouldn't kill you to think about your hair or clothes once in awhile. You always look positively atrocious."

"Nice try, Malfoy.  I happen to know that you will always think I'm hot, no matter what my hair looks like or what I'm wearing."

Draco scowled at this very factual statement of Harry's. "That is so not true," he denied.

"Liar," said Harry affectionately. "But it's okay.  I always think you're hot, no matter what."

Draco brightened considerably.  "Really?"

"Really really. Now can I have my covers back please?" Harry hoped that the compliment would get Draco to relent and give him back the blankets.

No such luck.  Draco had other ideas.  "Harry, why don't you go take a shower, and I'll pick out some clothes for you to wear.  Oooh, and then I can fix your hair, and pick out a cologne for you, and then -

Harry's eyes grew very wide as he realized just how gay his new boyfriend really was.


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