Chapter 28

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Chapter Warnings: Sex and more nefarious schemes


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 28: Only Human


"Draco? Draco love, are you awake?"

There was no answer from the blonde head resting heavily on Harry's shoulder. Harry sighed and looked across the breakfast table at Ron and Hermione.

"He's asleep," Harry said, sounding slightly bemused. "Again. When exactly is this mating season thing supposed to start?"

"Any day now," Hermione answered. "So let him sleep. He needs it."

Harry ran his fingers briefly through Draco's hair in a soothing motion. "Well, of course I will. But I had kind of hoped we could spend the weekend together and he wouldn't be asleep the whole time."

"You could use the weekend to talk to Professor Snape about that potion you're going to need," Hermione said pointedly.

Harry blanched, and Ron looked a bit amused.

"Yes, Harry, why don't you do that? Go tell Professor Snape you need a potion because you're not going to be able to meet Malfoy's needs in the bedroom otherwise. That won't make you look like a pathetic loser at all."

Harry flinched at those words, causing Hermione to glare at Ron.

"Ron!" Hermione snapped. "Leave him alone. Harry's a human; he physically cannot keep up with a veela in heat. It's not his fault."

"Yeah, but what's Malfoy going to say when Harry has to take a potion to satisfy him? You really think he'll understand?" Ron pointed at the sleeping blonde. "Malfoy might not say it out loud, but he'll think of Harry as less of a man if Harry has to take that potion."

"He won't," Hermione insisted. "Give him a little more credit, Ron."

"No, Ron's right," Harry said, swallowing hard. "You're not a guy, Hermione, you don't understand. He'll be disappointed in me if I have to take a potion to satisfy him. And yes, Draco probably won't actually say it, but he'll think it, and that's bad enough."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "You two are so stupid sometimes," she said, crossing her arms. "One, Draco isn't going to think that Harry is less of a man for being only human. Two, if you don't take a potion you will collapse from fatigue probably five days into Draco's heat. THREE, remember how I told you that Draco is going to be more jealous and possessive than usual? You are going to need to protect the rest of us, and you can't do that if you're completely exhausted. You have to take that potion, Harry."

"Don't do it, Harry," Ron advised. "Malfoy will never look at you the same. You're his hero right now. If you take a potion, you'll just be that bloke who couldn't handle shagging him."

"Ron!" Hermione snapped again, but she had lost. Harry was shaking his head.

"I couldn't bear that," he said softly, playing with Draco's hair again. "I have to be what he needs without a potion, Hermione. I have to."

Hermione opened her mouth to retort but Draco chose that moment to wake up.

"Harry?" he asked, lifting his head up from Harry's shoulder. His eyes were soft and sleepy and his hair was a mess from Harry's fingers. "Hi Harry," he said, giving Harry a happy, if drowsy smile. He turned his head slightly. "Hermione, Weasley," he said politely, and yawned. He laid his head back down on Harry's shoulder. "So what are we talking about?"

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