Chapter 10

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Chapter Warnings: Mild slash


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 10: Family Trees


"I know why you're in love with Harry."

At Hermione's words, both Harry and Draco just gaped at her.  Draco recovered first.

"You figured it out?  Really?" he asked, disbelieving.

"Yes."  Hermione began sorting through her stack of books.  Draco and Harry exchanged looks.

"So…are you planning on telling us?" Harry finally asked, and Hermione grinned up at him.

"I don't know.  How badly do you guys want to know?"

"Granger…" At Draco's tone of voice Hermione stopped teasing.

"Okay, well…there's no easy way to put this so I'm just going to come right out and say it, alright?  Draco - you're part veela."

Draco's eyes widened in shock.  "What?  No, there must be some mistake.  That's not possible."

"Well, I'm sorry, but there it is.  You're part veela with active veela genes, and that explains everything that's been going on.  The jealousy, the strange attraction everyone has to you, your good looks, the snake thinking you weren't human -

"But Granger," Draco interrupted, "I'm NOT veela.  I'm not.  I know my family tree inside and out, and there are no veelas in my family. It wouldn't be allowed.  We're as pure-blooded as they come."

"That's where you're wrong, Malfoy.  But I thought you'd say that, so I brought these books with me to prove it to you."  And here Hermione passed Draco the books she'd grabbed out of her enormous stack. 

Draco looked at the covers. "Two copies of Wizarding Genealogy - one for the Black Family and one for the Malfoy Family.  Look, I've seen these books before. We have copies in our libraries."  He held the books back out to Hermione.  "There are no veela in here."

Hermione refused to take them back.  "Oh yes there are.  My guess is that you've seen the edited, pure-blood versions of your genealogy, with all the 'unsuitable' people removed."

"What are you talking about?" Draco said testily.

It was Harry who answered.  "I've seen the Black family tree.  It's on the wall of Sirius' old house.  Sirius had been burnt off, as had your mother's sister Andromeda, and everyone else who had supposedly disgraced the Black name."

Hermione nodded.  "That's right.  And carrying on with a magical creature would definitely count as 'disgrace' in a pure-blooded wizard family; hence the removal of all traces of veela blood from your family tree.  But the copies that you hold in your hand, Malfoy, are the unedited versions of your family tree. Go on. Take a look."

Draco opened the Black genealogy book with trepidation and scanned the pages, his face growing noticeably paler.  There, written in a brilliant crimson ink, were names he had never seen or heard.  Sirius Black was indeed related to him, as were a dozen other witches and wizards who did not appear in the versions he had seen in his own home.

"Oh Merlin," Draco whispered. 

Hermione gave him a commiserating look. "Lots of relatives you didn't know you had, eh?  And actually, Malfoy, surprise, surprise, you're even distantly related to the Weasleys."

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