Chapter 2

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The Veela Enigma

Chapter 2: Back to Hogwarts


Draco watched dispassionately as the house elves carried his trunk up the platform towards the Howarts Express.  He was actually rather looking forward to being back in classes after a long, dull summer at the Manor.  Oh, sure, he'd have to put up with taunts and such from the other houses about his dad's Death Eater status, but his dad was out of prison now and working to restore the family name, so that wouldn't go on for too long.  Besides, he may as well get used to these people, he was on their side now whether they knew it or not.

"You can't tell anyone we've switched, Draco," his dad had admonished him during the ride in their town car to King's Cross station. "I'll be working as a spy most likely, and I cannot have my cover blown."

"Yes, Dad," Draco had rolled his eyes in exasperation.  "We've been through this.  I'm not going to 'blow your cover' like we're in some bad muggle movie. Give me a little credit here."

"Since when do you know anything about muggle movies?" his dad had asked curiously, and Draco had suddenly become very interested in his magazine (Dragons and the Hunks Who Tame Them).  He wasn't about to confess his sudden, intense crush on Irish actor Colin Farrell.  All that gorgeous, messy black hair and delicious, glowing skin. Now if he would just wear glasses then he'd really be hot.

Having said his goodbyes to his father, Draco could be found boarding the Hogwarts Express and heading towards the prefect's compartment.  He was anxious to see his friends, whom he hadn't seen since June.  He walked up the aisle, noticing the blatant stares he seemed to be getting from all the other students. 

"Well, I am gorgeous," he thought to himself, shrugging it off.  "Suppose they can't really help it."

He reached the compartment and slid the door open, revealing a mix of sixth year students from all the houses. Pansy Parkinson saw him and her jaw dropped.

"Draco!  My God!  What happened to you?" She was almost drooling.

"What?" Draco asked, aware that he had gone through a few changes over the summer but not convinced that they were all that big a deal.

"You look incredible," Pansy spoke in awe.  "Did you take a potion or something?"

'WHAT? No, of course not, don't be daft," Draco huffed. He glanced around the compartment and raised an eyebrow. It seemed as if Pansy wasn't alone in her awe; every student in the compartment was staring at him the same way, with a mix of lust and awe, like he was seventy inch slab of the world's most coveted chocolate. 

Draco thought for a moment.  He had changed a bit, it was true. Both his parents had mentioned it. His hair was lighter, his facial features more refined, and his body…Draco had been thrilled to discover that somehow a summer spent lounging about eating massive amounts of sweets had left him with rock-hard abs.

He knew he looked really good, but even he, vain as he was, hadn't expected this reaction. He took a seat next to Pansy and smiled at her. She almost swooned.

"Guess I'm just growing up," Draco said, lazily stretching out, noting with pleasure that everyone was watching him intently.  Even parts two and three of the Gryffindor Wonder Trio couldn't take their eyes off of him, something he found hilarious to no end. 

"Granger, Weasel, I know I'm hot, but kindly stop ogling me like a piece of meat.  I have feelings, you know," he smirked, and the two in question jumped in their seats.  Hermione flushed pink and buried her nose in a huge book on her lap, and Ron opened his mouth to make some sort of angry retort but was saved by the arrival of Justin Flinch-Fletchley. 

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