Chapter 7

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The Veela Enigma

Chapter 7: Getting to Know You


Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco had just left Dumbledore's office and were wandering towards the Entrance Hall, planning on heading out to Hogsmeade, when Harry paused suddenly. 

"You guys go on ahead," he motioned to the other three.  "I forgot to bring any money with me. I just need to run back up to the tower and grab some, and then I'll catch up." 

Ron and Hermione shrugged, but Draco shook his head.

"Don't be silly, Potter. You shouldn't be walking alone to Hogsmeade right now."

Harry folded his arms across his chest and glared, so Draco quickly amended his statement. 

"I meant that neither of us should be walking anywhere alone right now.  Besides, I can run down to my dorms and get my cloak while I wait for you."

Harry looked torn between defending his ability to take care of himself and wanting to spend more time alone with Draco. Finally he gave in. 

"Alright, Malfoy.  If you insist."  Harry turned to Ron and Hermione.  "So can we just meet up with you in the Three Broomsticks later this afternoon?"

Hermione was giving Draco a slightly suspicious look, but Ron looked quite happy with the prospect. He always looked quite happy with the prospect of time alone with Hermione.  "Later, mate," he said, pulling Hermione away from the pair.

"Meet you back here in ten minutes? That's good for me, is that good for you too?"

"Why Potter, you're such a gentleman. How sweet of you to want to make it good for me too."

With cheeks slightly pink from Draco's surely innocent words, Harry bolted for his dorm.


After Harry and Draco met up again (Harry with cheeks back to normal color) they set off for Hogmeade. They purposefully ignored the looks they were getting from their very confused schoolmates as they walked together. 

"So, how does it feel to be a target?" Harry asked, as they walked along the well-worn path.

"Eh," Draco said with a shrug.  "It's kind of anti-climatic.  Besides, you know damn well what it's like to be a walking target.  You-Know-Who's been after you for years." 

Harry conceded this was true.  They walked in silence for a couple more moments, and then Harry asked a question he was dying to know the answer to.

"Hey Malfoy?"


"You said you never wanted to become a Death Eater."

"That's true. What's your point?"

"I was just wondering why not," Harry said hesitantly.  

Draco thought for a moment. "Well, there are lots of good reasons.  I hate pain, and I don't fancy working for someone who uses the Crutiatus curse the way the Dark Lord does. And while I might be a bit prejudiced against mud…muggleborns, I don't necessarily want to see them all dead.  Then there's the sex thing, obviously.  And of course there's the issue of you."

"Me?" Harry asked, startled.  "What about me?"

"Well, you've beaten Voldemort quite a few times, and I can't shake the feeling that one of these days you're going to beat him for good.  So I'm not anxious to join his side." 

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