Chapter 5

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Chapter Warning: Violence


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 5: The Rescue


Draco and Hermione had just left the classroom when Draco heard it.

"Help! Somebody help! Please! Hel - "

And then the voice stopped.

Draco had heard enough, though. He grabbed Hermione's arm.

"Did you hear that?" He looked pale as a ghost.

"What, you mean everyone coming back from dinner?" she asked, unconcerned.

Draco shook his head. "No, it was Harry, he was calling for help. I think he's hurt." Draco's eyes were wild and fear was all over his face. "Granger, we have to find him!"

Hermione was smart enough to know not to question what Draco had heard. "Okay, okay, don't panic. Where did his voice come from?"

Draco's face was screwed up as if he were in physical pain. "It was behind us," he said breathlessly. "Harry's somewhere behind us. I'm going to him."

He turned around and began to sprint down the corridor, Hermione at his heels.


Up in Headmaster Dumbledore's office, Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape were having a post dinner chat.

"There is something unusual about Draco Malfoy this year," Snape was saying. "He is getting an inordinate amount of attention from the student body, but he seems not to even notice it. Surely you're aware of this?"

"Something unusual about Mr. Malfoy? You don't say," Dumbledore said mildly. His eyes were twinkling. "Sherbert lemon, Severus?"

Severus Snape resisted the urge to shout something profane at the Headmaster. Obviously this was one of those cases where Dumbledore knew exactly what was going on and was choosing to keep his mouth shut.

Suddenly, an out of breath fairy appeared in one of the portraits.

"Professor Dumbledore," the little fairy squeaked. "There's big trouble."

"What sort of trouble?" Dumbledore asked, rising. The twinkle was gone from his eyes.

"It's Harry Potter, sir," she replied. "He's being attacked."


Harry's head was pounding and his vision was blurry, but Justin's words echoed in his head. Bet you won't be so keen to defy the Dark Lord after this. Harry desperately tried to hang onto his sanity. He had to figure out what was going on.

He could feel Justin's teeth against the skin of his neck, and then cried out when the other boy bit hard enough to draw blood.

"Like that, do you?" Justin simpered.

Harry tried to glare at the blur on top of him. "Fuck you," he managed to say.

"Now that's awfully rude. Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners, Potter?" Justin grinned maliciously. "Oh, wait," he continued dramatically. "I forgot. You never had a mother, did you? That mudblood bitch was killed by the Dark Lord, wasn't she?"

Harry snarled in rage, but a thought floated through his furious haze: Justin was muggle-born, like Hermione. Why would he use a term like mudblood?

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