Chapter 22

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Chapter Warnings: Angst and R-rated sexual activity that could be considered non-consensual


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 22: In the Muggle Club


Hermione and Ron loved their friend Harry. They really, truly did.

That didn't mean they weren't ready to kill him.

"I wonder if Draco's okay."

"Harry, you spoke to him via floo two hours ago. He was okay then, chances are he's still okay now."

"But Hermione," Harry whined, in an amazingly good whine that his friends suspected he had learned from Draco, "it's been two weeks since we left Hogwarts and I miss him."

It was indeed two weeks into Christmas holiday. Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Harry were at Grimmauld Place, which now belonged to Harry. The Order of the Phoenix still had its headquarters here, but for the most part the kids had been alone as the adults went to work and did whatever it was they did for the Order.

Molly had left them with a cupboard full of self-cooking meals, but it didn't change the fact that Harry was extremely grumpy about having little to no adult supervision and no boyfriend to enjoy it with.

"So you really think Draco's alright? You sure Malfoy Senior is taking good care of him?"

"Of COURSE, Harry. Draco is perfectly safe at Malfoy Manor."

"But what if Voldemort tries to catch him again? We don't know what he's planning."

"Harry, you told us yourself that Snape said the potion couldn't hurt Draco. Maybe You-Know-Who has given up," Ron said reasonably.

Harry shook his head. "Voldemort doesn't give up that easily. He wanted Draco for some reason, and I doubt he'd give up just because his first scheme didn't work. And I don't care if Snape said the potion couldn't hurt Draco, I still have a bad feeling about it." He paused and looked out the window, watching the snow fall on muggle London. "Besides, I'm not just worried about Voldemort. What if he runs out of Cadbury Creme Eggs? It's not like he can get them for himself."

Harry was slowly introducing Draco to the world of muggle sweets, and the veela had become extremely attached to the wonder that is the Cadbury Creme Egg, claiming that the sweet fondant centre in the middle was possibly good enough to redeem muggles in his eyes.

"Harry, he'll be FINE," Hermione said with a forced smile.

"But what if Draco gets lonely, huh? What if he can't sleep without me? He's a veela, veela are sensitive, he's not supposed to be away from his mate for this long."

Ron and Hermione's eyes met. We can't kill him, he's our friend, and he has to save the world, their matching expressions seemed to say, and both sighed and went back to reassuring Harry.


At Malfoy Manor, Lucius was having an even worse time with Draco.

"Dad, can I go see Harry today?"

"No, Draco. I told you. It's too dangerous. What if the Dark Lord calls me to him during the break? He's a Legilimens, he'll realize instantly that I've sent you to the Order of the Phoenix headquarters to be with your mate, and he'll be terribly angry and suspicious about why I'm being so accommodating to you and Potter."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐀 𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora