Chapter 32

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Chapter Warnings: Excitement, a touch of angst and then enough fluff to make cotton candy jealous.


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 32: A Mystery Solved


Lucius ripped away from Harry instantly, turning towards the sound of that beautiful voice.

"Nar-Narcissa?" he whispered, stepping towards her. Narcissa looked flushed and dazed, and was staring back at Lucius raptly.

"Lucius," she breathed. "You're so handsome…the most handsome man I've ever seen…you make me want to climb mountains….I could swim the ocean for you…"

"Narcissa," Lucius whispered again, and he would have run to her, but a furious blonde mass was suddenly blocking his path.

"Were you just kissing my mate?" Draco snarled, eyes blazing furiously.

Lucius tried to dodge around his son to get to the starry-eyed and babbling Narcissa just beyond him, but Draco refused to budge.

"Yes, I was, but I can explain, Draco," Lucius said distractedly, entranced by the vision of his wife just beyond Draco.

"How the hell do you think you can EXPLAIN THIS?!" Draco yelled, glaring at his father. "You were KISSING my MATE, Dad! MY MATE!!"

"Draco Malfoy, don't you talk to your father that way!" Lucius snapped. "Now move aside and let me get to your mother."

"NO!" Draco howled. "Harry is MINE!! How could you KISS HIM?!?!"

Lucius winced. Draco had thrown the worst tantrums as a young child, and he looked like he was gearing up to throw one right now.

"Draco, I assure you it's not what you think," Lucius said patiently, still trying to maneuver past Draco and get to Narcissa. "I didn't want to kiss him. I was just trying to wake your imbecilic boyfriend up."

Unfortunately, Harry chose that moment to speak up.

"Lucius, come back," he whined, his eyes vacant and his jaw slack. "We weren't finished -"

Draco gasped in outrage. "I see what's going on here!" he said, pointing accusingly at his dad. "You've got your veela powers now, don't you?"

"Considering that your mother is now claiming to have single-handedly slain hundreds of Acromantulas, I'd say so," Lucius snapped crossly. He dodged right but his son cut him off again.

"You've got veela powers, and you used them to SEDUCE MY MATE?!?" Draco growled. "Oh, someone ought to award you FATHER OF THE YEAR for this one!!"

"Draco, really, if you would just calm -"

"You get veela powers for maybe TWO WEEKS and you use them TO GET OFF WITH HARRY?!?"

"Draco Malfoy, if you don't settle down this instant -"

"I will NOT settle down!! I found you with YOUR TONGUE down MY MATE'S THROAT and he's STILL trying to get to you and ­-"

"Look, Draco, I'm turning off my veela powers, alright?" Lucius said desperately, trying to calm Draco down. "Powers going off, Potter going back to normal, you can yell at him now, alright?"

Draco paused in his tirade for a moment and looked suspiciously past his father. Harry was now rubbing at his eyes and staring at Draco.

"Draco?" he asked incredulously. "Draco, what are you doing here? I specifically ordered you to go home and not come back! How did you disobey my command?"

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