Chapter 31

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Chapter Warnings: Very mild slash between adult/minor (minor is 16)


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 31: Veela Rescue 202


A moment of utter stillness followed Theodore Nott's words, as neither Harry nor Draco moved or spoke.

Finally, Draco broke the silence.

"What did you just say?" he whispered, clutching his wand tightly.

Nott took a deep breath. "I said the part-veela that Voldemort has been mutating is your father, Draco."

"You fucking liar," Draco snarled, raising his wand. "The Dark Lord would never do that to my father. My father has been his loyal servant for years."

"Then surely you can understand that he sees this as just another form of service," Nott said, unable to stop himself from shrinking back slightly in fear from the maniacal look in Draco's eyes.

"Lucius Malfoy is in Romania right now," Harry said logically, putting one hand on Draco's arm to calm him slightly. "There's no way he's actually in Riddle Manor."

"You Gryffindors are too trusting by half," Nott said with exasperation. "The whole Romania bit was a ruse to lure Lucius to Riddle Manor and have everyone he knows believe him elsewhere. He's been here for the past three weeks, taking his potion every day."

"My father wouldn't take a potion to change him into the Dark Lord's sex toy," Draco snapped. "You're just trying to get us to go back into that Manor where we'll be captured."

"You father took that potion for you," Nott snapped back. "The Dark Lord promised that if he transformed himself into a veela that he would stop trying to capture you. A lie, as it turned out, but your father took his potion believing he was saving you. But if you can't be arsed to go in and rescue the man that is sacrificing himself for you, suit yourself. It's not my dad who's going to get fucked by the Dark Lord."

Draco made a growling noise and would have lunged at Nott, but Harry held him back by a tight grip on Draco's arm.

"If you're lying to us Nott, I will kill you," Harry said coldly. "If I go back into that Manor and there is no Lucius Malfoy then I promise I will let Draco kill you any way he wants. Do you understand this?"

Nott swallowed and nodded.

"And you still say that Mr. Malfoy is in that Manor?" he asked pointedly.

Nott took a deep breath and nodded again. "In the West Wing."

Harry watched him closely for a moment, then pursed his lips. Finally, he turned to Draco.

"I'm going in," he said firmly. "You stay here with Nott while I go get your dad."

"Oh fuck no," Draco said immediately. "If you think for one instant that I would let my mate go into that Manor alone -"

"You don't have a choice," Harry interrupted. "It's too dangerous for you in there. If Voldemort got his hands on you again - "

"Harry, it's my father and - "

"I'll use the Voice, Draco. I will forbid you to go into that Manor ever again," Harry threatened. "I will not let you go back in there!"

"Don't you fucking pull that Voice shit on me now, Potter," Draco said warningly. "I will find a way around it somehow and I will come after you. You can't leave me out here while you go in to that snake pit and try to rescue my father. I'm coming."

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