Chapter 23

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Chapter Warnings: angst


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 23: Secrets


Draco barely slept that night.

He tossed and turned, plagued by dreams, vague images floating through his head. Most of the time it was Harry's face, a scared look in his eyes as he pleaded with Draco to let him go back to Gryffindor tower where he'd be safe and Draco couldn't hurt him.

Sometimes Draco heard the whimper of pain Harry had made in the bathroom stall in the muggle club.

And sometimes it was just Harry's words, Love you too, that floated through Draco's head, those soft-spoken words that he had longed to hear and now was deathly afraid that he'd never hear again.

Finally he truly drifted off around 5am, only to wake three hours later to find himself late for class. He dully got up, splashed some water on his face and threw on his robes, hoping that maybe he could talk to Harry later.


The morning dragged by until his last class before lunch, Arithmancy, which he shared with Granger. They had been sitting with each other ever since her discovery that he was a veela, and today he was hoping to get some information out of her.

They both made it into their seats just as class started, giving each other a friendly nod hello before taking out parchment and quills. Draco figured he'd wait until about half-way through class before he grilled her for information.

To his surprise, she beat him to it.

"Malfoy," Hermione hissed, only fifteen minutes into class, "What the hell happened between you and Harry at that club Saturday night?"

Draco froze. "What did Harry tell you?" he whispered back, that familiar feeling of guilt bubbling in his stomach.

"Nothing," Hermione said, even her whisper sounding exasperated. "Which is the biggest lie he's told me in awhile. He is so obviously upset about something, and the vibes between the two of you are weird. And then he slept in Gryffindor tower last night. What the hell is going on?"

Draco swallowed and pretended to take notes, trying not to look as heartsick as he felt. "If Harry didn't tell you anything than I'm not going to either," he finally replied.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him. "Harry is a wreck, Malfoy," she said coldly. "Ron heard him mumbling in his sleep last night, saying things like nostop, and don't. And then this morning, Ron told me that when he saw Harry getting dressed - "

"Why the fuck was the Weasel watching my mate get dressed?" Draco snarled, before he could stop himself.

He said it just a touch too loudly, and Professor Vector stopped to send a pointed look at Hermione and Draco. Draco gave an apologetic smile, and Professor Vector softened immediately, as most witches and wizards are wont to do with veela.

Once the professor was writing on the board again, Hermione gave Draco an exasperated look.

"Get a grip, would you Malfoy? They're roommates, not illicit lovers. Anyway, Ron said that Harry has an enormous bruise on his upper back, a nasty purple one across his shoulder blades. Any ideas how that happened?"

Draco felt a sick sort of nausea beginning to build in his stomach. "Bruise?" he whispered hoarsely.

"Yes, bruise," Hermione said, studying Draco's face. "Wouldn't tell Ron the truth about where he got it from, either. Said he tripped and fell at the club." From the scoffing tone of her voice Draco could tell she didn't believe this for a second. "How about you, Malfoy? Can you tell me where this mystery bruise comes from?"

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