Chapter 19

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Chapter Warnings: Smut


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 19: A Chat with Snape


As soon as Snape and Harry had left the Great Hall, Hermione took off after Ron. She didn't have far to go - Ron was pretty predictable when he was angry.

Sure enough, she found him just outside the main doors of the castle, sitting on the bottom step of the stairs, angrily pulling up the grass at his feet.

"Hey," she said quietly, sitting down next to him on the steps. "That grass must have really ticked you off."

Ron rolled his eyes, but stopped his senseless murder of the Hogwarts lawn.

"I couldn't take it anymore," he offered by way of explanation. "I mean, honestly. That poor little girl. And Harry just won't see it!"

Hermione sighed. "It's not that he won't see it, Ron. He doesn't see it. The saying 'love is blind' exists for a reason, you know."

"I don't know about blind, but love definitely needs Harry's glasses," Ron said irritably. "How come he doesn't see it, then?"

"How come I always have to explain everything? Figure it out yourself," Hermione said, playfully nudging his shoulder.

Ron looked out across the lawn to the lake. "Because Malfoy's a stupid veela?"

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Okay, fine. Because Harry's in love with Malfoy, that's why he doesn't see all the crap Malfoy's doing to everyone else."


"Partly? What's the other part?"

"Malfoy is in love with Harry, and that's why Harry doesn't see it. All he sees, for the first time in his life, is someone who loves him. Really, really unconditionally adores him. Of course he's not going to see anything bad that Malfoy is doing."

Ron sighed. "Maybe. But in love with Harry or not, I don't approve of Malfoy hexing everyone, Hermione."

Hermione's gaze hardened slightly. "Me either. That has to stop, and now. But I have a feeling it's about to."

"Oh yeah? Why's that?"

Hermione grinned. "Snape."


"Sit," Snape said testily to Harry, who took a seat on the other side of Snape's desk, glaring at the Potions Professor. Snape paid the glare no mind. "Do you know why you're here, Potter?"

"Let me guess," Harry said sarcastically. "You're going to chew me out about Draco, am I right?"

"Five points from Gryffindor for your cheek," Snape snapped. "And yes, as it happens we are here to talk about Draco. Or rather, your insistent refusal to acknowledge what Draco is."

"And what is that? Besides, obviously, a veela?"

"Your mate, you stupid boy. This is so typical of you, Potter. You're so thrilled to be the mate of a veela, with all the good that comes with it. Did it never occur to you that you must take the responsibilities with it as well?"

"What responsibilities?" Harry asked irritably.

Snape rolled his eyes. "What world do you live in where you suddenly get the unconditional love of a beautiful creature without any kind of conditions? You think Draco is some kind of knight in shining armour who has swept into your life with his pretty face and his veela powers, and all you have to do is lay back and bask in his affections? This is not a fairy tale, Potter."

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