Chapter 6

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The Veela Enigma

Chapter 6: Evil Plots Afoot


Harry woke up the next morning, still a bit groggy but feeling at least a million times better than he had the night before. He yawned and stretched and instinctively groped for his glasses on the night stand.

His hands brushed the cool metal, and he gratefully slipped them on. Now that everything was in focus, he glanced around and immediately recognized that he was in the Hospital Wing.

He leaned back against his pillows and tried to remember what had happened the night before. Before he could really start, however, he heard a noise next to the bed and turned to look.

And then he melted.

Because in a chair next to Harry's bed was Draco Malfoy, curled up in little ball and fast asleep. His normally impeccable blonde locks were messy, his eyes were closed, and his face was relaxed and peaceful. He was utterly adorable.

Harry stayed absolutely silent, reluctant to wake him up. What was Draco doing in the Hospital Wing with him? For that matter, why was Harry in the hospital wing in the first place? He couldn't remember much of what happened after he'd left the Gryffindor table.

He continued watching Draco sleep for a few more moments, watching the slow rise and fall of his chest and listening to his soft breathing. He took a moment to appreciate how Draco's hair fell so easily around his face, unlike Harry's own cow-licked mess. He noticed Draco's blonde eyebrows and his blonde eyelashes, nearly invisible against the porcelain skin of his face.

Draco had taken off his tie at some point in the night, and unbuttoned the first couple buttons of his shirt. Harry could see his collarbone now, and even in his slightly fuzzy early morning state he had the odd urge to lick it. It wasn't as strong as his desire had been in the library the other night, but it was becoming very clear to Harry that his feeling as far as Draco Malfoy was concerned were not of the let's just be friends, shall we variety.


There was a loud noise in a nearby room, and Draco's eyelashes fluttered open. He groaned softly, grimacing as he uncurled his long limbs and stretched like a cat. He looked around, bewildered for a moment, and then it all came back to him.

Like lightening his attention was focused on the bed. What he saw made his heart swell with happiness and his mind cringe in embarrassment.

Harry was sitting up in bed, studying Draco, a soft smile playing on his lips. Draco felt his cheeks flush slightly. He had been planning to wake up before Harry and sneak down to his dorm for a shower, and then return to the Hospital wing so that Harry wouldn't know he had been here all night. Well, looked like his secret was out.

"Do you make a point of being at all your schoolyard rivals' bedsides when they wake up from injury?" Harry queried, the smile now slightly teasing.

"Nope. Just you, Potter," Draco responded dryly, the flush deepening ever so slightly.

"Lucky me," Harry replied, and it really sounded like he meant it.

That soothed Draco's embarrassed pride, but he still hastened to change the subject. "Hey, Potter, what do you remember from last night?" he asked, wondering if Harry could recall their midnight conversation. Harry just shook his head.

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