Chapter 29

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Chapter Warnings: NC-17 sex, long chapter


The Veela Enigma

Chapter 29: Not Going Anywhere


Lucius Malfoy grimaced as he swallowed the contents of the goblet in his hand. Even after fourteen doses Lucius was not accustomed to the potion, and it left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth.

Nott watched him with something almost akin to sympathy. "It tastes bad, doesn't it?"

"Your powers of observation astound me," Lucius said testily. He set the goblet back on the tray. "What does it take to get some breakfast in this hellhole?"

"Of course, right away," Nott said eagerly. "Whatever you want."

He slipped out the door. Lucius rolled his eyes. Nott's behavior was as transparent as glass.

Lucius took a seat at the desk and paged through a book, awaiting Nott's return. He didn't have to wait long. Nott was back quickly, bearing a tray laden with food.

"What swill have you brought me this time?" Lucius snapped dishonestly. Truth was, the food had been excellent and this morning was no exception. His plate was filled with fresh fruit, poached eggs with hollandaise sauce and Earl Grey tea. It was as good as anything he might have at his manor. Everything about how he was treated was exceptional - first class food, accommodations and service.

This only made him angrier about the whole situation. Had he been treated like the prisoner he was and confined to a cell in the dungeons, he would have felt more dignified. Now he had the uncomfortable sensation of being treated like a pampered pet, and it did not sit well with a man of Lucius' temperament.

He motioned for Nott to put the tray down. Nott acquiesced, then looked at Lucius hesitantly.

"I got you a bit of chocolate to go with your breakfast," he said uncomfortably.

Lucius narrowed his eyes. "Don't do me any favours, Nott."

"No, it's just…Theodore mentioned that veela liked sweets, and I thought…" he trailed off at the furious look in Lucius' eyes.

"Do not mention your son's name to me," Lucius snarled. "I will never forgive your bastard child for soiling my son with his filthy lips."

"You cannot blame him," Nott said accusingly. "Your son is a veela who most likely had him bewitched. Theo could not help himself."

"Is that what you think?" Lucius said, pushing his chair back and standing up. "Or is that what you tell yourself to justify lusting after an animal like me?"

"I do not lust after you," Nott protested, but he was far from convincing.

"Really?" Lucius said. "Because I think you do. And were you not such a pathetic, shriveled excuse for a man, I do believe I might have cause to fear for my virtue." He said the last part with dripping sarcasm, and Nott bristled.

"You'll not be so cocksure when the Dark Lord gets his hands on you," he hissed. "He has told me what he plans for you. All manner of perverted, deviant things. And you will do it all, you filthy half-breed. You deserve to be his plaything."

At the reminder of his fate, dread filled the pit of Lucius' stomach, but he sought to drown his fear in anger.

"Get out," Lucius growled, advancing on Nott.

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