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My heart jumped into my throat. I have never been so nervous before, not even on my result day as I was on that day. so many thoughts were gushing through my mind most of them were undesirable, I swallowed hard.

"Why were you guys waiting for me ? " I asked dugging my fists in my pockets.

"Blake Thomas ! I need to talk to you about Anna " Mom replied.

She called me with my full name which meant it was a bad news..It was enough for me to understand the rest.

"Mom ! before you go any further let me tell you that, Anna is really important to me and at this point I can't imagine my life without her. I've always listened to whatever you have said but I can't do what you want me to do " I said shaking my head.

"So you are saying that, you will not do what I want ? " Mom asked raising an eyebrow.

"Just listen to your mother, Blake ! " Dad jumped in.

"Not an option " I said folding my arms under my chest.

"Will you just listen to your mother ?  " Dad asked. I sighed and nodded.

"I know what is going on in your mind, you want to know whether we like Anna or not but I think you are over reacting a bit because I never said anything about not liking her at all  " Mom said with a slight smile on her face.

"So you don't dislike her ? " I asked dumbfounded.

"No we do not. she is a very good girl infact I must say, I am impressed " Mom replied.

"You are ? " I asked doubting what I heard.

"Yes really. She is different,she has a sense of style, I mean it was great that she didn't show up wearing a mini skirt and very tight top not that I am against anyone wearing mini skirts but as it was her first time here, it reflected the respect she had for us inside and when she asked for helping me out, she won my heart and as a lawyer I can judge people by their body language nonetheless I thought she was very good and kind but there was one thing that bothered me a bit, she was cold a bit you know I hope she is okay  " Mom replied.

Phew !

"Yes she is perfectly alright, she was nervous that is why she was cold I guess but you are the best guys ! " I exclaimed with joy and crashed onto them and took them in a tight group hug or make it a family hug.

A couple of seconds later we drift apart, I sat on the floor facing my folks. They were looking at each other and doing their eye language thing.

"And there is one more thing we wanted to tell you " They said together.

"That is ? " I asked.

"We thought what you said and we have decided to go somewhere for a short vacation " They replied.

"That is so cool ! but there is a problem I have school " I said.

"Yeah we know that which is why you are not going with us " They said.

"What ? oh I see you don't wanna take me with you so that you can enjoy your romantic vacation " I quoted with my fingers sarcastically.

"Blake ! " They called.

"Okay,okay ! I am just kidding, so where are you guys going and when ? " I asked.

"We are going to L.A for a week and we are leaving in the morning " Dad said.

"What ? L.A  in the morning ? that's not fair you know ? " I asked.

"Aren't you happy, you'll get a whole week with no limits and rules ? " Dad asked.

"Yeah, yeah ! " I said sarcastically.

After our family time we decided to call it a night I went to my room took my cellphone out and texted Anna.

"You up ? "

A couple of minutes later she replied. "Yeah "

"Okay great, I am gonna call you now " I texted.

I knew it was late but I wanted to tell her what my mom said about her. I dialed her number and waited after a while she answered.

"Hi ! " Anna answered.

"Hi ! I hope I didn't wake you up ? " I asked.

"No you didn't, so what are you doing ? " She asked.

"Nothing just lying on my bed. guess what ? " I asked.

"What ? " She asked.

"You know my mom really likes you " I asked.

"What ? really ? OMG it's great " She replied with joy.

"It is and my parents are going to L.A in the morning for a week " I said.

"That's great " She said.

"Yeah in a way, you can pay me visit anytime now, if you know what I mean ? " I asked mischievously.

"I know what excatly you mean " She replied.

"I am waiting to be surprised again " I chuckled.

"Blake ! " She complained.

"Okay,okay  so are you ready for tomorrow ? " I asked.

"For the carnival ? yes " She replied.

"Good ! okay I will see you in school tomorrow " I said.

"Yeah okay " She said.

We said our goodbyes to each other. and I fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning got dressed and went down, my parents were sitting at the dining table as usual I joined them. we had our breakfast I said bye to them as they won't be home when I'd come back. and went to school.

The day in school went as usual but everybody was excited to the carnival and they were making plans for the evening. I also had a plan acutally I had two plans with Anna but she only knew about one.

You don't know what I am talking about, I'll tell you.

Firstly I planned to take Anna to the carnival where we can play some games and have some and secondly I planned a surprise date for her, I mean carnival is not the place for a date. The place I had in mind was great it wasn't crowded. imagine you are in a very romantic mood and you are about to present your girlfriend a precious gift and might ask her some serious question..but the screaming voices in the background keeps bugging and the stench of  something like puke,animal crap,fart wouldn't want that. It was peaceful, I was excited no make that extremely excited as it was going to be my first offical date with Anna.

After school I went straight to the Icing outlet in the mall. I entered the shop, walked through various sections there were gift cards,watches,different accessories and jewelleries. I stopped at the jewellery section to be honest it was a struggle for me to select the perfect gift but somehow I managed to pick the perfect thing out of the crap load..I bought a Rhinestone Art Deco Design Bracelet for her silky smooth and white as snow hand.

I came home took a shower and got dressed for the evening. I wore a grey blazer with a black t-shirt and a pair of grey pants. I texted Anna while walking to the garage unlocked the car and placed the gift in the glove compartment and placed various other picnic things, a few candles and a lantern in the trunk. and then I left to pick Anna.


This time she wasn't not waiting on the porch infact it took a few minutes for her to come out but when she came out oh boy ! she looked hot. she was wearing an orange turtleneck sleevless shirt with white shorts and white heels, she curled her hair in perfect locks. I bet all of my emotions were in the air by now.

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