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I got up and welcomed the new day, there was something special about that day. After getting-off from my bed, I stretched out till no speck of laziness was left in my body, freshened-up and got ready for school.


My folks were already sitting at the dinning table, they were grinning and when they saw me, they started their sign language...I mean they address each other through their eyes and only they understood it...I sighed and asked them, "What is it about?"

"Well! Your dad told me how you were danc-, I mean exercising through the whole lounge last night. " Mom said teasing me.

"Okay yeah! I was dancing, because I was feeling elated somehow. " I said.

"Oh! My baby boo...there is nothing to be ashamed of. " Mom said giving a little squeeze on my shoulder.

"Mom! Don't call me that. You know I don't like it, besides I am not a kid anymore. " I said touching my not so visible chin hair.

They both roared with laughter at my effort of showing them my beard...after breakfast, I grabbed my keys and walked to my car, unlocked it, sat and drove away.


I parked my car in the parking lot and called Sean to see how was he doing.

"Hey! " Sean answered my call.

"Hey! How are you? Will come to school today? "I asked wondering.

"I am doing okay...I'll come today. " He said.

"Okay, then I'll you see you. " I said.

"Okay." He said.

Then we hung up... I was relieved to know that he would come today but I was wondering if he would go to the party... I mean he was still struggling and we can't go without him... but I wanted to go there, my mind was battling between both scenarios.

Twenty minutes later , in the corridor we saw Sean drawing near us. He looked sad... he was the comedian among us, he'd crack jokes which left us breathless but now he seemed like a different person, a different Sean... and we wanted our old jester Sean back. As he approached us, we took him in a group hug we knew he needed that, after breaking away...

"Thanks guys! I am fine now." Sean said with a frail smile.

"So? You guys up for tonight? " Derek said.

"Not now! You dweeb." I scolded Derek.

"What is happening tonight?" Sean asked.

"Sebastian is having a party at his place tonight." Derek explained.

"Look! It's okay if you don't wanna go, we won't go...we can to go million parties later... it's fine. " I said honestly.

"No it's not okay! You my friend have a life... I mean I respect your feelings and everything but trust me , your grand-pa would never want you to stop living your life... he would wanna see you happy, now the decision is yours." Derek said keep a hand on his shoulder.

"I think you are right he would never want me to be sad...we will go tonight." Sean said.


Sean was feeling much better by the break, we filled him in with details of past two days...he was laughing hard when Derek told him about my interactions with Anna..I shot Derek a glare. Actually I wasn't angry at fact I was happy, to see Sean chuckling again.

"Good to have you back Sean." I said

"Yeah! It's good to be back." Sean said knowing what I meant.


Ah! time to go home... As I was walking towards my car, a couple of girls from my class were standing and one of them was leaning against my car. I couldn't make out who it was, from that distance but as I draw near to my car, I saw her... none other than Anna.

She was dressed in pink from top to bottom but again she looked Flawless! Usually I don't get along with the girls in pink but she was an exceptional case.

A smile slipped pass my lips, which I was unaware of, at that moment but as soon as I realized what tricks my face was playing with me, I changed my expressions quickly hoping she didn't notice.

"Girls I'll catch-up with you in a while... I have some business to attend to." Anna addressed her friends. When her friends were leaving they winked at her. I was observing everything. I waited for them to disappear from my sight, so they won't eavesdrop on our conversation.

"I thought you said to meet you at the party... so what brings you here now." I asked.

"I came here to ask, whether you have started preparing for the - "

"Oh! You don't have to worry about that, I am already prepared for tonight." I interrupted before she completed her sentence.

"OH MY GOD! You are looking forward to meet me tonight but, my dear I was asking about the report. " She said raising an eyebrow while grinning.

"Oh!" I managed to say...I felt my face burning, first of all I misunderstood.

"See you later!" She said while going out of the parking lot.

Oh Boy! I am doomed... and then I sat in my car and started the engine and drove-off... after a while I got home.


I parked my car one block before Sebastian's house, it would be easy for me to drive back home, as this area won't be crowded.

I walked to Sebastian's mansion, all the cars were parked in the alley. There wasn't a single soul outside the mansion, I guess to keep a low profile, his house covered a lot of area.

My heart was beating faster as I was pacing towards his mansion. Finally the moment I have been anticipating for has arrived. I am going to meet her.

*I hope you guys will like it....please vote and comment....

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